Garth Brooks
She Don't Care About Me

Well I woke up cold, staring at the ceiling
Can't get back to sleep
Thinking how she left me crying
With broken memories
I see her face in all my dreams
Just won't let me be
Whoa, I'd like to be her honey
But she don't care about me

Well I woke up cold, staring at another
You could see it in my face
Lord I try but I can't ever
Let nobody take her place
Now I can't go on much longer
Dreaming in misery
Whoa, I'd like to be her honey
But she don't care about me

No, I'd like to be her honey
But she don't care about me

Well gone so long and all alone, too far gone to try
With all them dreams and all them scenes just living in my mind

Well I go downtown to drink my liquor
My tortured mind's so numb
But drunk or blind she gets there quicker
The further away I run
Now when I die my tangled soul
Will finally be set free
Whoa, I'd like to be her honey
But she don't care about me

No, I'd like to be her honey
But she don't care about me

Mirror lyrics:

But she don't care about me
No, I'd like to be her honey

But she don't care about me
Whoa, I'd like to be her honey
Will finally be set free
Now when I die my tangled soul
The further away I run
But drunk or blind she gets there quicker
My tortured mind's so numb
Well I go downtown to drink my liquor

With all them dreams and all them scenes just living in my mind
Well gone so long and all alone, too far gone to try

But she don't care about me
No, I'd like to be her honey

But she don't care about me
Whoa, I'd like to be her honey
Dreaming in misery
Now I can't go on much longer
Let nobody take her place
Lord I try but I can't ever
You could see it in my face
Well I woke up cold, staring at another

But she don't care about me
Whoa, I'd like to be her honey
Just won't let me be
I see her face in all my dreams
With broken memories
Thinking how she left me crying
Can't get back to sleep
Well I woke up cold, staring at the ceiling

Relevant Tags:
SShe DDon't CCare AAbout MMe he on't are bout e hSe oDn't aCre bAout eM zhe xon't fare zbout je zShe xDon't fCare zAbout jMe Szhe Dxon't Cfare Azbout Mje
whe eon't xare qbout ke wShe eDon't xCare qAbout kMe Swhe Deon't Cxare Aqbout Mke dhe fon't vare sbout ne dShe fDon't vCare sAbout nMe Sdhe Dfon't Cvare Asbout Mne
ehe ron't dare wbout Mee eShe rDon't dCare wAbout M Sehe Dron't Cdare Awbout Me xhe con't Caare xbout Ms xShe cDon't Cre xAbout Mse Sxhe Dcon't Crae Axbout Mes
ahe son't Czre Abbout M3 aShe sDon't Czare Aout M3e Sahe Dson't Cazre Aobut Me3 Shhe Doon't Cqre Avout Mf Se Dn't Cqare Avbout Mfe Seh Dno't Caqre Abvout Mef
Sje Dkn't Csre Agout Mr Sjhe Dkon't Csare Agbout Mre Shje Dokn't Casre Abgout Mer Sue D9n't Cwre Anout M4 Suhe D9on't Cware Anbout M4e Shue Do9n't Cawre Abnout Me4
Sne D0n't Cxre Ahout Md Snhe D0on't Ahbout Mde Shne Do0n't Caxre Abhout Med Sbe Dln't Carre Aboout Mw Sbhe Dlon't Cae Abut Mwe Shbe Doln't Caer Abuot Mew
Sge Din't Cade Abkut Sghe Dion't Cadre Abkout Shge Doin't Carde Abokut Sye Donn't Ca4e Ab9ut Syhe Do't Ca4re Ab9out Shye Do'nt Car4e Abo9ut
Shee Dom't Cage Ab0ut Sh Domn't Cagre Ab0out She Donm't Carge Abo0ut Shs Doh't Cate Ablut Shse Dohn't Catre Ablout Shes Donh't Carte Abolut

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