Gary Chapman
The Hurt Is Worth The Chance

by Billy Simon, Justin Peters
I could try to call
I know the number well--it used to be mine
You've probably changed it by now
But it's worth a try
'Cause every passing hour leaves a trail of hope
That I can follow on
And if there's a chance of love, forever's not too long
I'm just a passing thought in the back of your mind
A dime a dozen heart, hardly worth your time
But by a thread of hope I keep hangin' on
And I may be signing my own sorrow license
As I hope for the day fate will twist
And I can take you home
It's a sad, sad circumstance

But the hurt is worth the chance
The hurt is worth the chance
I don't see why you can't believe
I was meant for you, you were made for me
A picture perfect love, anyone can see
I've got it figured out
I can see it know
The way it ought to be
But once again I'm faced with reality
No more you and me
I hope the hurt is worth the chance

Mirror lyrics:

I hope the hurt is worth the chance
No more you and me
But once again I'm faced with reality
The way it ought to be
I can see it know
I've got it figured out
A picture perfect love, anyone can see
I was meant for you, you were made for me
I don't see why you can't believe
The hurt is worth the chance
But the hurt is worth the chance

It's a sad, sad circumstance
And I can take you home
As I hope for the day fate will twist
And I may be signing my own sorrow license
But by a thread of hope I keep hangin' on
A dime a dozen heart, hardly worth your time
I'm just a passing thought in the back of your mind
And if there's a chance of love, forever's not too long
That I can follow on
'Cause every passing hour leaves a trail of hope
But it's worth a try
You've probably changed it by now
I know the number well--it used to be mine
I could try to call
by Billy Simon, Justin Peters

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHurt IIs WWorth TThe CChance he urt s orth he hance hTe uHrt sI oWrth hTe hCance fhe jurt js aorth fhe fhance fThe jHurt jIs aWorth fThe fChance
Tfhe Hjurt Ijs Waorth Tfhe Cfhance 5he uurt 9s 3orth 5he xhance 5The uHurt 9Is 3Worth 5The xChance T5he Huurt I9s W3orth T5he Cxhance hhe nurt ls dorth hhe vhance
hThe nHurt lIs dWorth hThe vChance Thhe Hnurt Ils Wdorth Thhe Cvhance yhe burt os eorth yhe dhance yThe bHurt oIs eWorth yThe dChance Tyhe Hburt Ios Weorth Tyhe Cdhance
6he gurt ks sorth 6he Chhance 6The gHurt kIs sWorth 6The Cance T6he Hgurt Iks Wsorth T6he Cahnce ghe yurt 8s 2orth ghe Cjance gThe yHurt 8Is 2Worth gThe Cjhance
Tghe Hyurt I8s W2orth Tghe Chjance rhe us qorth rhe Cuance rThe Hrt uIs qWorth rThe Cuhance Trhe Hrut Ius Wqorth Trhe Chuance Hhrt Iss Woorth Cnance
Te Hhurt I Wrth Te Cnhance Teh Huhrt Is Wroth Teh Chnance Tje H7rt Iz Wkrth Tje Cbance Tjhe H7urt Izs Wkorth Tjhe Cbhance Thje Hu7rt Isz Wokrth Thje Chbance
Tue Hkrt Iw W9rth Tue Cgance Tuhe Hkurt Iws W9orth Tuhe Cghance Thue Hukrt Isw Wo9rth Thue Chgance Tne Hirt Id W0rth Tne Cyance Tnhe Hiurt Ids W0orth Tnhe Cyhance
Thne Huirt Isd Wo0rth Thne Chyance Tbe H8rt Ie Wlrth Tbe Chaance Tbhe H8urt Ies Wlorth Tbhe Chnce Thbe Hu8rt Ise Wolrth Thbe Chnace Tge Hjrt Ix Wirth Tge Chznce
Ixs Wiorth Chzance Thge Hujrt Isx Woirth Thge Chaznce Tye Hyrt Ia Worrth Tye Chqnce Ias Woth Chqance Thye Huyrt Isa Wotrh Thye Chaqnce
Thee Hurrt Wodth Thee Chsnce Th Hut Wodrth Th Chsance The Hutr Wordth The Chasnce Ths Hudt Wo4th Ths Chwnce Thse Hudrt Wo4rth Thse Chwance
Thes Hurdt Wor4th Thes Chawnce Th3 Hu4t Wogth Th3 Chxnce Th3e Hu4rt Wogrth Th3e Chxance

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