I'm Fine

I'm Fine

Music: Freya / Rune Westberg
Lyrics: Freya

Don't look so closely at
my face, baby
Just let me hide
in your embrace, baby
There's nothing for you
to see here anyway

Don't you go searching
for my soul, baby
I'm sure all you'll find
is a great big hole, baby
There's nothing for you
to see here anyway
There's nothing for you to see â?¦

Cause I'm fine,
you don't have to worry
About me - you see
I'm fine, you don't have to worry
I'm peachy creamy
Yes I'm fine you don't have to worry
About me - you see
I'm fine

Don't you go swimming
in my eyes, baby
They're used to
backing up my lies, baby
There's nothing for you
to see here anyway
There's nothing for you to see â?¦

Cause I'm fine,
you don't have to worry
About me - you see
I'm fine, you don't have to worry
I'm peachy creamy
Yes I'm fine you don't have to worry
About me - you see
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine

Mirror lyrics:

I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
About me - you see
Yes I'm fine you don't have to worry
I'm peachy creamy
I'm fine, you don't have to worry
About me - you see
you don't have to worry
Cause I'm fine,

There's nothing for you to see â?¦
to see here anyway
There's nothing for you
backing up my lies, baby
They're used to
in my eyes, baby
Don't you go swimming

I'm fine
About me - you see
Yes I'm fine you don't have to worry
I'm peachy creamy
I'm fine, you don't have to worry
About me - you see
you don't have to worry
Cause I'm fine,

There's nothing for you to see â?¦
to see here anyway
There's nothing for you
is a great big hole, baby
I'm sure all you'll find
for my soul, baby
Don't you go searching

to see here anyway
There's nothing for you
in your embrace, baby
Just let me hide
my face, baby
Don't look so closely at

Lyrics: Freya
Music: Freya / Rune Westberg

I'm Fine

Relevant Tags:
II'm FFine 'm ine 'Im iFne j'm cine jI'm cFine Ij'm Fcine 9'm rine 9I'm rFine I9'm Frine l'm gine lI'm gFine
Il'm Fgine o'm tine oI'm tFine Io'm Ftine k'm vine kI'm vFine Ik'm Fvine 8'm dine 8I'm dFine I8'm Fdine u'm Fiine
uI'm Fne Iu'm Fnie I''m Fjne Im Fjine Im' Fijne I'mm F9ne I' F9ine I'm Fi9ne I'j Flne I'jm Fline I'mj Filne
I'k Fone I'km Foine I'mk Fione I'n Fkne I'nm Fkine I'mn Fikne F8ne F8ine Fi8ne

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