Down In Flames

Down in flames, it all falls
Everything that I fought for
Proceed with abandon
What's inside is all that's left

The reward for my sacrifice
It's scorn and a fist full of crumbs
Gave everything that I had and more
Despite it I am still denied

Run away
Get as far from the wreck as I can get

Waded through broken glass
As the garbage rains on me
Watch as the serpents smile
From shadows they leer at me

On my life's blood they thirst to feed
Refuse to fall despite my wounds

Now my sorrow turns, turn to something else
Now my sorrow turns, turn to something else
Now my, now my sorrow turns

Run away
Get as far from the wreck as I can get

Mirror lyrics:

Get as far from the wreck as I can get
Run away

Now my, now my sorrow turns
Now my sorrow turns, turn to something else
Now my sorrow turns, turn to something else

Refuse to fall despite my wounds
On my life's blood they thirst to feed

From shadows they leer at me
Watch as the serpents smile
As the garbage rains on me
Waded through broken glass

Get as far from the wreck as I can get
Run away

Despite it I am still denied
Gave everything that I had and more
It's scorn and a fist full of crumbs
The reward for my sacrifice

What's inside is all that's left
Proceed with abandon
Everything that I fought for
Down in flames, it all falls

Relevant Tags:
DDown IIn FFlames own n lames oDwn nI lFames xown jn clames xDown jIn cFlames Dxown Ijn Fclames eown 9n rlames eDown 9In rFlames
Deown I9n Frlames fown ln glames fDown lIn gFlames Dfown Iln Fglames rown on tlames rDown oIn tFlames Drown Ion Ftlames cown kn vlames
cDown kIn vFlames Dcown Ikn Fvlames sown 8n dlames sDown 8In dFlames Dsown I8n Fdlames Doown un Fllames Dwn uIn Fames Dwon Iun Falmes
Dkwn Inn Fkames Dkown I Fklames Dokwn In Flkames D9wn Im Foames D9own Imn Folames Do9wn Inm Floames D0wn Ih Fpames D0own Ihn Fplames
Do0wn Inh Flpames Dlwn Ij Flaames Dlown Flmes Dolwn Inj Flmaes Diwn Ib Flzmes Diown Ibn Flzames Doiwn Inb Flazmes Dowwn Flqmes
Don Flqames Donw Flaqmes Doan Flsmes Doawn Flsames Dowan Flasmes Do3n Flwmes Do3wn Flwames Dow3n Flawmes
Dodn Flxmes Dodwn Flxames Dowdn Flaxmes Doen Flammes

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