Throwing Rocks At A Drowning Man

Won't kiss the mouth that mocks the pain that's inflicted
Thought that I could trust but I was tricked instead
Won't embrace the one who burdens me until I snap
Left to languish bleeding caught inside this trap

Throwing rocks at a drowning man
Everyone should try it
No point to struggle anymore

The one weapon that sharpens every time it's used
That venomous tongue is always eager to abuse
When everything around me starts to tip and fall
Vicious when I'm down winds up to kick me when I crawl

Throwing rocks at a drowning man
Everyone should try it
No point to struggle anymore

I can't keep it up, it's just useless now
Drains my energy, I won't waste my time now

Throwing rocks at a drowning man
Everyone should try it
Throwing rocks at a drowning man
(No point to struggle anymore)
Everyone should try it
(No point to, to struggle)

Mirror lyrics:

(No point to, to struggle)
Everyone should try it
(No point to struggle anymore)
Throwing rocks at a drowning man
Everyone should try it
Throwing rocks at a drowning man

Drains my energy, I won't waste my time now
I can't keep it up, it's just useless now

No point to struggle anymore
Everyone should try it
Throwing rocks at a drowning man

Vicious when I'm down winds up to kick me when I crawl
When everything around me starts to tip and fall
That venomous tongue is always eager to abuse
The one weapon that sharpens every time it's used

No point to struggle anymore
Everyone should try it
Throwing rocks at a drowning man

Left to languish bleeding caught inside this trap
Won't embrace the one who burdens me until I snap
Thought that I could trust but I was tricked instead
Won't kiss the mouth that mocks the pain that's inflicted

Relevant Tags:
TThrowing RRocks AAt AA DDrowning MMan hrowing ocks t rowning an hTrowing oRcks tA A rDowning aMn fhrowing docks zt z xrowning jan fThrowing dRocks zAt zA xDrowning jMan
Tfhrowing Rdocks Azt Az Dxrowning Mjan 5hrowing 4ocks qt q erowning kan 5Throwing 4Rocks qAt qA eDrowning kMan T5hrowing R4ocks Aqt Aq Derowning Mkan hhrowing gocks st s frowning nan
hThrowing gRocks sAt sA fDrowning nMan Thhrowing Rgocks Ast As Dfrowning Mnan yhrowing tocks wt w rrowning Maan yThrowing tRocks wAt wA rDrowning Mn Tyhrowing Rtocks Awt Aw Drrowning Mna
6hrowing 5ocks xt x crowning Mzn 6Throwing 5Rocks xAt xA cDrowning Mzan T6hrowing R5ocks Axt Ax Dcrowning Mazn ghrowing focks Att srowning Mqn gThrowing fRocks A sDrowning Mqan
Tghrowing Rfocks At Dsrowning Maqn rhrowing eocks Af Msn rThrowing eRocks Aft Downing Msan Trhrowing Reocks Atf Dorwning Masn Roocks A5 Ddowning Mwn
Trowing Rcks A5t Ddrowning Mwan Trhowing Rcoks At5 Drdowning Mawn Tjrowing Rkcks Ah D4owning Mxn Tjhrowing Rkocks Aht D4rowning Mxan Thjrowing Rokcks Ath Dr4owning Maxn
Turowing R9cks Ay Dgowning Mann Tuhrowing R9ocks Ayt Dgrowning Ma Thurowing Ro9cks Aty Drgowning Man Tnrowing R0cks A6 Dtowning Mam Tnhrowing R0ocks A6t Dtrowning Mamn
Thnrowing Ro0cks At6 Drtowning Manm Tbrowing Rlcks Ag D5owning Mah Tbhrowing Rlocks Agt D5rowning Mahn Thbrowing Rolcks Atg Dr5owning Manh Tgrowing Ricks Ar Dfowning Maj
Riocks Art Majn Thgrowing Roicks Atr Drfowning Manj Tyrowing Roccks Deowning Mab Roks Mabn Thyrowing Rokcs Dreowning Manb
Thrrowing Rofks Droowning Thowing Rofcks Drwning Thorwing Rocfks Drwoning Thdowing Roxks Drkwning Thdrowing Roxcks Drkowning
Thrdowing Rocxks Drokwning Th4owing Rovks Dr9wning Th4rowing Rovcks Dr9owning Thr4owing Rocvks Dro9wning Thgowing Rodks Dr0wning
Rodcks Dr0owning Thrgowing Rocdks Dro0wning Thtowing Rockks Drlwning Thtrowing Rocs Drlowning Thrtowing Rocsk Drolwning
Th5owing Rocls Driwning Th5rowing Roclks Driowning Thr5owing Rockls Droiwning Thfowing Rocos Drowwning Thfrowing Rocoks Droning
Thrfowing Rockos Dronwing Theowing Rocms Droaning Therowing Rocmks Droawning Threowing Rockms Drowaning Throowing Rocjs Dro3ning
Thrwing Rocjks Dro3wning Thrwoing Rockjs Drow3ning Thrkwing Rocis Drodning Thrkowing Rociks Drodwning Throkwing Rockis Drowdning
Thr9wing Rockss Droening Thr9owing Rock Droewning Thro9wing Rocks Drowening Thr0wing Rockz Drosning Thr0owing Rockzs Droswning
Thro0wing Rocksz Drowsning Thrlwing Rockw Dro2ning

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