Thought Balloon (sean's Speech Bubble Remix)

(k. crooker, j.gamache)


such a pretty thing
a white balloon on a string
it floats above my head
filled with stuff I should have said
need to tell you how I feel
say it out loud and make it real
could've told you what I knew
that I'm just so amazed by you

you're the coolest boy I know
but it's so hard to just say so
don't mean to keep it all inside
sometimes I get so tongue-tied
thoughts can weigh me down
my balloon dips closer to the ground
I'm hoping that you catch my drift
give my balloon a little lift

thought balloon, above my head
thought balloon, the things I should have said
my thought balloon, I'll set it free
my thought balloon, and lead you here to me

I've been quiet for too long
and I'm gonna take the dare
find a way to let you know
(la la-la la) time to let my secrets go
(la la-la la) I'll pull the words out of thin air

thought balloon (thought balloon),
above my head (above my head)
thought balloon (thought balloon),
the things I should have said
my thought balloon, I'll set it free (I'll set it free)
my thought balloon, and lead you here to me
and finally I'll have my say and then my thought balloon can float away
float away, float away (4x)

Mirror lyrics:

float away, float away (4x)
and finally I'll have my say and then my thought balloon can float away
my thought balloon, and lead you here to me
my thought balloon, I'll set it free (I'll set it free)
the things I should have said
thought balloon (thought balloon),
above my head (above my head)
thought balloon (thought balloon),

(la la-la la) I'll pull the words out of thin air
(la la-la la) time to let my secrets go
find a way to let you know
and I'm gonna take the dare
I've been quiet for too long

my thought balloon, and lead you here to me
my thought balloon, I'll set it free
thought balloon, the things I should have said
thought balloon, above my head

give my balloon a little lift
I'm hoping that you catch my drift
my balloon dips closer to the ground
thoughts can weigh me down
sometimes I get so tongue-tied
don't mean to keep it all inside
but it's so hard to just say so
you're the coolest boy I know

that I'm just so amazed by you
could've told you what I knew
say it out loud and make it real
need to tell you how I feel
filled with stuff I should have said
it floats above my head
a white balloon on a string
such a pretty thing


(k. crooker, j.gamache)

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