Outer Space (boothnavy's Vger Remix)

alone in the moonlight
heading for nowhere
gone is the solar glare
don't follow me here tonight

needing to find my place
something just feels wrong
knowing I don't belong
escaping to outer space

every mile you fade
there are no delays
I won't look back (4x)

run away, far away
run away, fly away
run away, far away, run away

it's oh so quiet here
caught in the milkyway
bound by the cosmic ray
I could just disappear

time will slow
no more earth below
another day to go
I won't look back (2x)
(run away)
I won't look back (2x)

run away, far away
run away, fly away
(4x, then add:)
alone in the moonlight
heading for nowhere
gone is the solar glare
don't follow me here tonight (3x)

run away, far away
run away, fly away
run away, far away, run away

Mirror lyrics:

run away, far away, run away
run away, fly away
run away, far away

don't follow me here tonight (3x)
gone is the solar glare
heading for nowhere
alone in the moonlight
(4x, then add:)
run away, fly away
run away, far away

I won't look back (2x)
(run away)
I won't look back (2x)
another day to go
no more earth below
time will slow

I could just disappear
bound by the cosmic ray
caught in the milkyway
it's oh so quiet here

run away, far away, run away
run away, fly away
run away, far away

I won't look back (4x)
there are no delays
every mile you fade

escaping to outer space
knowing I don't belong
something just feels wrong
needing to find my place

don't follow me here tonight
gone is the solar glare
heading for nowhere
alone in the moonlight

Relevant Tags:
OOuter SSpace ((boothnavy's VVger RRemix) uter pace boothnavy's ger emix) uOter pSace b(oothnavy's gVer eRmix) kuter zpace (bboothnavy's bger demix)
kOuter zSpace (oothnavy's bVger dRemix) Okuter Szpace (obothnavy's Vbger Rdemix) 9uter wpace (voothnavy's cger 4emix) 9Outer wSpace (vboothnavy's cVger 4Remix)
O9uter Swpace (bvoothnavy's Vcger R4emix) 0uter dpace (goothnavy's gger gemix) 0Outer dSpace (gboothnavy's gVger gRemix) O0uter Sdpace (bgoothnavy's Vgger Rgemix)
luter epace (noothnavy's fger temix) lOuter eSpace (nboothnavy's fVger tRemix) Oluter Sepace (bnoothnavy's Vfger Rtemix) iuter xpace (hoothnavy's 5emix)
iOuter xSpace (hboothnavy's Ver 5Remix) Oiuter Sxpace (bhoothnavy's Vegr R5emix) Ouuter apace (booothnavy's Vher femix) Oter aSpace (bothnavy's Vhger fRemix)
Otuer Sapace (boothnavy's Vgher Rfemix) Ohter Sppace (bkothnavy's Vyer eemix) Ohuter Sace (bkoothnavy's Vyger eRemix) Ouhter Sapce (bokothnavy's Vgyer Reemix)
O7ter S0ace (b9othnavy's Vber O7uter S0pace (b9oothnavy's Rmix) Ou7ter Sp0ace (bo9othnavy's Vgber Rmeix) Okter Slace (b0othnavy's Vver Rsmix)
Slpace (b0oothnavy's Vvger Rsemix) Oukter Splace (bo0othnavy's Vgver Resmix) Oiter Soace (blothnavy's Vfer R3mix) Sopace (bloothnavy's R3emix)
Ouiter Spoace (bolothnavy's Vgfer Re3mix) O8ter Spaace (biothnavy's Vter Rfmix) O8uter Spce (bioothnavy's Vtger Ou8ter Spcae (boiothnavy's Vgter Refmix)
Ojter Spzce Vgeer Rrmix) Ojuter Spzace Vgr Rremix) Oujter Spazce (botohnavy's Vgre Rermix) Oyter Spqce (bokthnavy's Vgsr R4mix)
Oyuter Spqace Vgser Ouyter Spaqce (bookthnavy's Vgesr Re4mix) Outter Spsce (bo9thnavy's Vg3r Rdmix) Ouer Spsace Vg3er
Ouetr Spasce (boo9thnavy's Vge3r Redmix) Oufer Spwce (bo0thnavy's Vgfr Rwmix) Oufter Spwace Rwemix) Outfer Spawce (boo0thnavy's Vgefr Rewmix)
Ou5er Spxce (bolthnavy's Vgrr Remmix) Ou5ter Spxace Vgrer Reix) Out5er Spaxce (boolthnavy's Vgerr Reimx) Ouher Spacce (boithnavy's Vg4r Rejix)
Spae Vg4er Rejmix) Outher Spaec (booithnavy's Vge4r Remjix) Ouyer Spafe (bootthnavy's Vgdr Rekix) Spafce (boohnavy's Vgder Rekmix)
Outyer Spacfe (boohtnavy's Vgedr Remkix) Ou6er Spaxe (boofhnavy's Vgwr Renix) Ou6ter (boofthnavy's Vgwer Renmix) Out6er Spacxe (bootfhnavy's Vgewr Remnix)
Ouger Spave (boo5hnavy's Remiix) Ougter Spavce (boo5thnavy's Vge Remx) Outger Spacve (boot5hnavy's Vger Remxi) Ourer Spade (boohhnavy's Vged Remjx)
Ourter Spadce (boohthnavy's Outrer Spacde (boothhnavy's Vgerd Remijx) Outeer Spacee (booyhnavy's Vge4 Rem9x) Outr Spac (booythnavy's Rem9ix)
Outre Space (bootyhnavy's Vger4 Remi9x) Outsr Spacs (boo6hnavy's Vgeg Remlx) Outser Spacse (boo6thnavy's Vgegr Remlix) Outesr Spaces (boot6hnavy's Vgerg Remilx)
Out3r Spac3 (booghnavy's Vget Remox) Out3er Spac3e (boogthnavy's Vgetr Remoix) Oute3r Space3 (bootghnavy's Vgert Remiox) Outfr Spacf (boorhnavy's Vge5 Remkx)
(boorthnavy's Vge5r Outefr Spacef (bootrhnavy's Vger5 Remikx) Outrr Spacr Vgef Rem8x) Spacre (bootnavy's Rem8ix)
Outerr Spacer (bootnhavy's Vgerf Remi8x) Out4r Spac4 (bootjnavy's Vgee Remux) Out4er Spac4e (bootjhnavy's Remuix) Oute4r Space4 (boothjnavy's Vgere Remiux)
Outdr Spacd (bootunavy's Remixx) Outder (bootuhnavy's Remi) Outedr Spaced (boothunavy's Remi)x Outwr Spacw (bootnnavy's Remid)
Outwer Spacwe (bootnhnavy's Remidx) Outewr Spacew (boothnnavy's Remixd)

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