I Don't Care If U Disrespect Me (just So You Love

That was a good drum break
I feel like making love to all the men tonight

Yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful night
Making love to every guy in sight
Yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful night
Yeah, a night

Lots of cute guys in the club tonight
(You're not kidding)
Lots of juicy asses hangin' out

What's your name?
(Like I've told you before)
As I've said so many times before
I don't wanna play no games
Don't wanna play no games with you tonight

But I tend to be a loner
So when you get up in the morning
I may not be there

I don't care if you disrespect me
Just so you love me

Mirror lyrics:

Just so you love me
I don't care if you disrespect me

I may not be there
So when you get up in the morning
But I tend to be a loner

Don't wanna play no games with you tonight
I don't wanna play no games
As I've said so many times before
(Like I've told you before)
What's your name?

Lots of juicy asses hangin' out
(You're not kidding)
Lots of cute guys in the club tonight

Yeah, a night
Yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful night
Making love to every guy in sight
Yeah, yeah, it's a beautiful night

I feel like making love to all the men tonight
That was a good drum break

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't CCare IIf UU DDisrespect MMe ((just SSo YYou LLove on't are f isrespect e just o ou ove I oDn't aCre fI U iDsrespect eM j(ust oS oYu oLve
j xon't fare jf h xisrespect je (jjust zo gou kove jI xDon't fCare jIf hU xDisrespect jMe (ust zSo gYou kLove Ij Dxon't Cfare Ijf Uh Dxisrespect Mje (ujst Szo Ygou Lkove
9 eon't xare 9f 7 eisrespect ke (kust wo hou oove 9I eDon't xCare 9If 7U eDisrespect kMe (kjust wSo hYou oLove I9 Deon't Cxare I9f U7 Deisrespect Mke (jkust Swo Yhou Loove
l fon't vare lf k fisrespect ne (iust do 6ou pove lI fDon't vCare lIf kU fDisrespect nMe (ijust dSo 6You pLove Il Dfon't Cvare Ilf Uk Dfisrespect Mne (jiust Sdo Y6ou Lpove
o ron't dare of i risrespect Mee (must eo uou oI rDon't dCare oIf iU rDisrespect M (mjust eSo uYou Lve Io Dron't Cdare Iof Ui Drisrespect Me (jmust Seo Yuou Lvoe
k con't Caare kf 8 cisrespect Ms (nust xo 7ou Lkve kI cDon't Cre kIf 8U cDisrespect Mse (njust xSo 7You Ik Dcon't Crae Ikf U8 Dcisrespect Mes (jnust Sxo Y7ou Lokve
8 son't Czre 8f j sisrespect M3 (hust ao jou L9ve 8I sDon't Czare 8If jU sDisrespect M3e (hjust aSo jYou L9ove I8 Dson't Cazre I8f Uj Dsisrespect Me3 (jhust Sao Yjou Lo9ve
u Doon't Cqre uf y Diisrespect Mf (uust Soo tou L0ve uI Dn't Cqare uIf yU Dsrespect Mfe (ujust S tYou L0ove Iu Dno't Caqre Iuf Uy Dsirespect Mef (juust So Ytou Lo0ve
Dkn't Csre Iff Djsrespect Mr Sk Yoou Llve Dkon't Csare I Djisrespect Mre (jst Sko Yu Llove Dokn't Casre If Dijsrespect Mer (jsut Sok Yuo Lolve
D9n't Cwre Ic D9srespect M4 (jhst S9 Yku Live D9on't Cware Icf D9isrespect M4e S9o Ykou Liove Do9n't Cawre Ifc Di9srespect Me4 (juhst So9 Yoku Loive
D0n't Cxre Ir Dlsrespect Md (j7st S0 Y9u Lovve D0on't Irf Dlisrespect Mde (j7ust S0o Y9ou Loe Do0n't Caxre Ifr Dilsrespect Med (ju7st So0 Yo9u Loev
Dln't Carre Ig Dosrespect Mw (jkst Sl Y0u Lobe Dlon't Cae Igf Doisrespect Mwe Slo Y0ou Lobve Doln't Caer Ifg Diosrespect Mew (jukst Sol Yo0u Lovbe
Din't Cade It Dksrespect (jist Si Ylu Loce Dion't Cadre Itf Dkisrespect Sio Ylou Locve Doin't Carde Ift Diksrespect (juist Soi Yolu Lovce
Donn't Ca4e Iv D8srespect (j8st Yiu Loge Do't Ca4re Ivf D8isrespect (j8ust Yiou Logve Do'nt Car4e Ifv Di8srespect (ju8st Yoiu Lovge
Dom't Cage Id Dusrespect (jjst Youu Lofe Domn't Cagre Idf Duisrespect Yo Lofve Donm't Carge Ifd Diusrespect (jujst You Lovfe
Doh't Cate Dissrespect (jyst Yoh Lovee Dohn't Catre Direspect (jyust Yohu Lov Donh't Carte Dirsespect (juyst Youh Love
Doj't Ca5e Dizrespect (jusst Yo7 Lovs Dojn't Ca5re Dizsrespect (jut Yo7u Lovse Donj't Car5e Diszrespect (juts You7 Loves
Dob't Cafe Diwrespect (juzt Yok Lov3 Dobn't Cafre Diwsrespect (juzst Lov3e Donb't Carfe Diswrespect (juszt Youk Love3
Don''t Caee Didrespect (juwt Yoi Lovf Dont Caere Didsrespect (juwst Dont' Caree Disdrespect (juswt Youi Lovef
Don'tt Dierespect (judt Yo8 Lovr Don' Car Diesrespect (judst Yo8u Lovre Don't Care Diserespect (jusdt You8 Lover
Don'f Cars Dixrespect (juet Yoj Lov4 Don'ft Carse Dixsrespect (juest Yoju Lov4e Don'tf Cares Disxrespect (juset Youj Love4
Don'5 Car3 Diarespect (juxt Yoy Lovd Don'5t Car3e Diasrespect (juxst Yoyu Lovde Don't5 Care3 Disarespect (jusxt Youy Loved
Don'h Carf Disrrespect (juat Lovw Don'ht Disespect (juast Lovwe Don'th Caref Diserspect (jusat Lovew
Don'y Carr Disdespect (justt Don'yt (jus Don'ty Carer Disrdespect (just
Don'6 Car4 Dis4espect (jusf Don'6t Dis4respect (jusft Don't6 Care4 Disr4espect (justf
Don'g Card Disgespect (jus5 Don'gt Disgrespect (jus5t Don'tg Cared Disrgespect (just5
Don'r Carw Distespect (jush Don'rt Carwe Distrespect (jusht Don'tr Carew Disrtespect (justh
Dis5espect (jusy Dis5respect (jusyt Disr5espect (justy
Disfespect (jus6 Disfrespect (jus6t Disrfespect (just6
Diseespect (jusg (jusgt Disreespect (justg

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