George Benson
Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh, so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong

Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you.

Chorus 1
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You oughta know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love.

Chorus 2
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through but nothing's gonna change my
love for you.

If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are.

So come with me and share this view
I'll help you see forever too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you.

Chorus 1, Chorus2, and Chorus 1 again


Chorus 2, Chorus 1, and Chorus 2 again

Mirror lyrics:

Chorus 2, Chorus 1, and Chorus 2 again


Chorus 1, Chorus2, and Chorus 1 again

I don't want to live without you.
Hold me now, touch me now
I'll help you see forever too
So come with me and share this view

I love you just the way you are.
You don't have to change a thing
I'll be there for you if you should need me
Our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star
If the road ahead is not so easy

love for you.
The world may change my whole life through but nothing's gonna change my
You ought to know by now how much I love you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
Chorus 2

I'll never ask for more than your love.
One thing you can be sure of
You oughta know by now how much I love you
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
Chorus 1

I don't want to live without you.
Hold me now, touch me now
They'll take us where we want to go
Our dreams are young and we both know

But it never felt this strong
I might have been in love before
With you I see forever oh, so clearly
The nights would seem so long
The days would all be empty
If I had to live my life without you near me

Relevant Tags:
NNothings GGonna CChange MMy LLove FFor YYou othings onna hange y ove or ou oNthings oGnna hCange yM oLve oFr oYu
mothings honna fhange jy kove cor gou mNothings hGonna fChange jMy kLove cFor gYou Nmothings Ghonna Cfhange Mjy Lkove Fcor Ygou
hothings yonna xhange ky oove ror hou hNothings yGonna xChange kMy oLove rFor hYou Nhothings Gyonna Cxhange Mky Loove Fror Yhou
jothings bonna vhange ny pove gor 6ou jNothings bGonna vChange nMy pLove gFor 6You Njothings Gbonna Cvhange Mny Lpove Fgor Y6ou
bothings vonna dhange Myy tor uou bNothings vGonna dChange M Lve tFor uYou Nbothings Gvonna Cdhange My Lvoe Ftor Yuou
Noothings fonna Chhange Mg Lkve vor 7ou Nthings fGonna Cange Mgy vFor 7You Ntohings Gfonna Cahnge Myg Lokve Fvor Y7ou
Nkthings tonna Cjange Mh L9ve dor jou Nkothings tGonna Cjhange Mhy L9ove dFor jYou Nokthings Gtonna Chjange Myh Lo9ve Fdor Yjou
N9things Goonna Cuange M6 L0ve Foor tou N9othings Gnna Cuhange M6y L0ove Fr tYou No9things Gnona Chuange My6 Lo0ve Fro Ytou
N0things Gknna Cnange Mu Llve Fkr Yoou N0othings Gkonna Cnhange Muy Llove Fkor Yu No0things Goknna Chnange Myu Lolve Fokr Yuo
Nlthings G9nna Cbange M7 Live F9r Yku Nlothings G9onna Cbhange M7y Liove F9or Ykou Nolthings Go9nna Chbange My7 Loive Fo9r Yoku
Nithings G0nna Cgange Mj Lovve F0r Y9u Niothings G0onna Cghange Loe F0or Y9ou Noithings Go0nna Chgange Myj Loev Fo0r Yo9u
Notthings Glnna Cyange Mt Lobe Flr Y0u Nohings Glonna Cyhange Mty Lobve Flor Y0ou Nohtings Golnna Chyange Myt Lovbe Folr Yo0u
Nofhings Ginna Chaange Loce Fir Ylu Nofthings Gionna Chnge Locve Fior Ylou Notfhings Goinna Chnage Lovce Foir Yolu
No5hings Gonnna Chznge Loge Forr Yiu No5things Gona Chzange Logve Fo Yiou Not5hings Gonna Chaznge Lovge For Yoiu
Nohhings Gomna Chqnge Lofe Fod Youu Nohthings Gomnna Chqange Lofve Fodr Yo Nothhings Gonmna Chaqnge Lovfe Ford You
Noyhings Gohna Chsnge Lovee Fo4 Yoh Noythings Gohnna Chsange Lov Fo4r Yohu Notyhings Gonhna Chasnge Love For4 Youh
No6hings Gojna Chwnge Lovs Fog Yo7 No6things Gojnna Chwange Lovse Fogr Yo7u Not6hings Gonjna Chawnge Loves Forg You7
Noghings Gobna Chxnge Lov3 Fot Yok Nogthings Gobnna Chxange Lov3e Fotr Notghings Gonbna Chaxnge Love3 Fort Youk
Norhings Channge Lovf Fo5 Yoi Northings Chage Fo5r Notrhings Gonan Chagne Lovef For5 Youi
Gonma Chamge Lovr Fof Yo8 Notings Chamnge Lovre Fofr Yo8u Notihngs Gonnma Chanmge Lover Forf You8
Notjings Gonha Chahge Lov4 Foe Yoj Notjhings Chahnge Lov4e Foer Yoju Nothjings Gonnha Chanhge Love4 Fore Youj
Notuings Gonja Chajge Lovd Yoy Notuhings Chajnge Lovde Yoyu Nothuings Gonnja Chanjge Loved Youy
Notnings Gonba Chabge Lovw Notnhings Chabnge Lovwe Nothnings Gonnba Chanbge Lovew
Notbings Gonnaa Changge Notbhings Gonn Chane Nothbings Chaneg
Notgings Gonnz Chanhe Gonnza Nothgings Gonnaz Changhe
Notyings Gonnq Chanye

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