George Baker Selection
Una Paloma Blanca

When the sun shines on the mountain
And the night is on the run
It's a new day
It's a new way
And I fly up to the sun

I can feel the morning sunlight
I can smell the new-mown hay
I can hear God's voice is calling
For my golden sky light way

Una paloma blanca
I'm just a bird in the sky
Una paloma blanca
Over the mountains I fly
No one can take my freedom away

Once I had my share of losing
for they locked me on a chain
Yes they tried to break my power
oh I still can feel the pain

Una paloma blanca
I'm just a bird in the sky
Una paloma blanca
Over the mountains I fly
No one can take my freedom away

Una paloma blanca
I'm just a bird in the sky
Una paloma blanca
Over the mountains I fly
No one can take my freedom away

[Yodel outro]

Mirror lyrics:

[Yodel outro]

No one can take my freedom away
Over the mountains I fly
Una paloma blanca
I'm just a bird in the sky
Una paloma blanca

No one can take my freedom away
Over the mountains I fly
Una paloma blanca
I'm just a bird in the sky
Una paloma blanca

oh I still can feel the pain
Yes they tried to break my power
for they locked me on a chain
Once I had my share of losing

No one can take my freedom away
Over the mountains I fly
Una paloma blanca
I'm just a bird in the sky
Una paloma blanca

For my golden sky light way
I can hear God's voice is calling
I can smell the new-mown hay
I can feel the morning sunlight

And I fly up to the sun
It's a new way
It's a new day
And the night is on the run
When the sun shines on the mountain

Relevant Tags:
UUna PPaloma BBlanca na aloma lanca nUa aPloma lBanca hna 0aloma vlanca hUna 0Paloma vBlanca Uhna P0aloma Bvlanca
7na laloma glanca 7Una lPaloma gBlanca U7na Plaloma Bglanca kna oaloma nlanca kUna oPaloma nBlanca Ukna Poaloma Bnlanca
ina Paaloma hlanca iUna Ploma hBlanca Uina Plaoma Bhlanca 8na Pzloma Bllanca 8Una Pzaloma Banca U8na Pazloma Balnca
jna Pqloma Bkanca jUna Pqaloma Bklanca Ujna Paqloma Blkanca yna Psloma Boanca yUna Psaloma Bolanca Uyna Pasloma Bloanca
Unna Pwloma Bpanca Ua Pwaloma Bplanca Uan Pawloma Blpanca Uma Pxloma Blaanca Umna Pxaloma Blnca Unma Paxloma Blnaca
Uha Palloma Blznca Paoma Blzanca Unha Paolma Blaznca Uja Pakoma Blqnca Pakloma Blqanca Unja Palkoma Blaqnca
Uba Paooma Blsnca Ubna Paoloma Blsanca Unba Palooma Blasnca Unaa Papoma Blwnca Un Paploma Blwanca Una Palpoma Blawnca
Unz Blxnca Unza Palma Blxanca Unaz Palmoa Blaxnca Unq Palkma Blannca

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