Gentle Giant
Who Do You Think You Are

Yeah, now I'm back here in Hollywood, I pick up the phone, turn the pages
Hi, got a friend and he said I should not be on my own, Come on over,
take you to our show. What are you doing?

Who do you think you are? You're not even the main star
Even if I could come, how would I know you're the one?
Who do you think you are? You can put around you're a star
Well I might not be on time. Leave my name at the door

Well, you can bet here that anyone wants to take a ride
No tomorrow
So you can bet here that everyone will be at your side
Doesn't matter

Who do you think you are? You're not even the main star

Mirror lyrics:

Who do you think you are? You're not even the main star

Doesn't matter
So you can bet here that everyone will be at your side
No tomorrow
Well, you can bet here that anyone wants to take a ride

Well I might not be on time. Leave my name at the door
Who do you think you are? You can put around you're a star
Even if I could come, how would I know you're the one?
Who do you think you are? You're not even the main star

take you to our show. What are you doing?
Hi, got a friend and he said I should not be on my own, Come on over,
Yeah, now I'm back here in Hollywood, I pick up the phone, turn the pages

Relevant Tags:
WWho DDo YYou TThink YYou AAre ho o ou hink ou re hWo oD oYu hTink oYu rAe aho xo gou fhink gou zre aWho xDo gYou fThink gYou zAre Waho Dxo Ygou Tfhink Ygou Azre
3ho eo hou 5hink hou qre 3Who eDo hYou 5Think hYou qAre W3ho Deo Yhou T5hink Yhou Aqre dho fo 6ou hhink 6ou sre dWho fDo 6You hThink 6You sAre Wdho Dfo Y6ou Thhink Y6ou Asre
eho ro uou yhink uou wre eWho rDo uYou yThink uYou wAre Weho Dro Yuou Tyhink Yuou Awre sho co 7ou 6hink 7ou xre sWho cDo 7You 6Think 7You xAre Wsho Dco Y7ou T6hink Y7ou Axre
2ho so jou ghink jou Arre 2Who sDo jYou gThink jYou Ae W2ho Dso Yjou Tghink Yjou Aer qho Doo tou rhink tou Ade qWho D tYou rThink tYou Adre Wqho Do Ytou Trhink Ytou Arde
Whho Dk Yoou Yoou A4e Wo Dko Yu Tink Yu A4re Woh Dok Yuo Tihnk Yuo Ar4e Wjo D9 Yku Tjink Yku Age Wjho D9o Ykou Tjhink Ykou Agre Whjo Do9 Yoku Thjink Yoku Arge
Wuo D0 Y9u Tuink Y9u Ate Wuho D0o Y9ou Tuhink Y9ou Atre Whuo Do0 Yo9u Thuink Yo9u Arte Wno Dl Y0u Tnink Y0u A5e Wnho Dlo Y0ou Tnhink Y0ou A5re Whno Dol Yo0u Thnink Yo0u Ar5e
Wbo Di Ylu Tbink Ylu Afe Wbho Dio Ylou Tbhink Ylou Afre Whbo Doi Yolu Thbink Yolu Arfe Wgo Yiu Tgink Yiu Aee Wgho Yiou Yiou Aere Whgo Yoiu Thgink Yoiu Aree
Wyo Youu Tyink Youu Wyho Yo Yo Ar Whyo You Thyink You Are Whoo Yoh Thiink Yoh Ars Wh Yohu Thnk Yohu Arse

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