George Jones
Baby, There's Nothing Like You

(Earl Montgomery - George Jones)

I've crossed the high and mighty creek
That spans the San Farcisco Bay
Saw the sun set in the west
In an non forgetful way
Sailed the white Pacific Ocean
While it was in it''s darkest blue
But they still have nothing like you.

I've seen the bright lights of broadway
In old New York town
Saw a star light up the night
As it came tumblin' down
And the great Niagra Falls
Well I've seen them too
Ah, but baby, there's nothin' like you.

I've seen the winter day turn warm
And the roses start to bud
Saw the risin' of the moon
Through a cloud red as blood
Saw a rainbow of all colors
When the storm and rain was through.
Ah, but baby there's nothin' like you.

Yes I've been most everywhere
Done everthing there is to do
Ah, but baby, there's nothin' like you...

Mirror lyrics:

Ah, but baby, there's nothin' like you...
Done everthing there is to do
Yes I've been most everywhere

Ah, but baby there's nothin' like you.
When the storm and rain was through.
Saw a rainbow of all colors
Through a cloud red as blood
Saw the risin' of the moon
And the roses start to bud
I've seen the winter day turn warm

Ah, but baby, there's nothin' like you.
Well I've seen them too
And the great Niagra Falls
As it came tumblin' down
Saw a star light up the night
In old New York town
I've seen the bright lights of broadway

But they still have nothing like you.
While it was in it''s darkest blue
Sailed the white Pacific Ocean
In an non forgetful way
Saw the sun set in the west
That spans the San Farcisco Bay
I've crossed the high and mighty creek

(Earl Montgomery - George Jones)

Relevant Tags:
BBaby, TThere's NNothing LLike YYou aby, here's othing ike ou aBby, hTere's oNthing iLke oYu vaby, fhere's mothing kike gou vBaby, fThere's mNothing kLike gYou
Bvaby, Tfhere's Nmothing Lkike Ygou gaby, 5here's hothing oike hou gBaby, 5There's hNothing oLike hYou Bgaby, T5here's Nhothing Loike Yhou naby, hhere's jothing pike 6ou
nBaby, hThere's jNothing pLike 6You Bnaby, Thhere's Njothing Lpike Y6ou haby, yhere's bothing Liike uou hBaby, yThere's bNothing Lke uYou Bhaby, Tyhere's Nbothing Lkie Yuou
Baaby, 6here's Noothing Ljke 7ou Bby, 6There's Nthing Ljike 7You Bbay, T6here's Ntohing Lijke Y7ou Bzby, ghere's Nkthing L9ke jou Bzaby, gThere's Nkothing L9ike jYou
Bazby, Tghere's Nokthing Li9ke Yjou Bqby, rhere's N9thing Llke tou Bqaby, rThere's N9othing Llike tYou Baqby, Trhere's No9thing Lilke Ytou Bsby, N0thing Loke Yoou
Bsaby, Tere's N0othing Yu Basby, Tehre's No0thing Lioke Yuo Bwby, Tjere's Nlthing Lkke Yku Bwaby, Tjhere's Nlothing Ykou Bawby, Thjere's Nolthing Likke Yoku
Bxby, Tuere's Nithing L8ke Y9u Bxaby, Tuhere's Niothing L8ike Y9ou Baxby, Thuere's Noithing Li8ke Yo9u Babby, Tnere's Notthing Luke Y0u Bay, Tnhere's Nohing Luike Y0ou
Bayb, Thnere's Nohting Liuke Yo0u Bavy, Tbere's Nofhing Ylu Bavby, Tbhere's Nofthing Lie Ylou Babvy, Thbere's Notfhing Liek Yolu Bagy, Tgere's No5hing Lile Yiu
Bagby, No5thing Yiou Babgy, Thgere's Not5hing Likle Yoiu Bany, Tyere's Nohhing Lioe Youu Banby, Nohthing Yo Babny, Thyere's Nothhing Likoe You
Bahy, Theere's Noyhing Lime Yoh Bahby, Thre's Noything Limke Yohu Babhy, Three's Notyhing Likme Youh Babyy, Thsre's No6hing Lije Yo7 Bab, Thsere's No6thing Yo7u
Bab,y Thesre's Not6hing Likje You7 Babg, Th3re's Noghing Liie Yok Th3ere's Nogthing Babyg, The3re's Notghing Likie Youk Babh, Thfre's Norhing Likee Yoi
Thfere's Northing Lik Babyh, Thefre's Notrhing Like Youi Bab6, Thrre's Liks Yo8 Bab6y, Threre's Noting Likse Yo8u Baby6, Therre's Notihng Likes You8
Babu, Th4re's Notjing Lik3 Yoj Babuy, Th4ere's Notjhing Lik3e Yoju Babyu, The4re's Nothjing Like3 Youj Bab7, Thdre's Notuing Likf Yoy Bab7y, Thdere's Notuhing Likfe Yoyu

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