George Jones
Am I That Easy To Forget

(Carl Belew - W.S. Stevenson)

They say you've found somebody new
But that won't stop my lovin' you
I just can't let you walk away
Forget the love I had for you.

Guess I could find somebody, too
But I don't want no one but you
How could you leave without regret
Am I that easy to forget?

Before you leave be sure you find
You want his love much more than mine
'Cause I'll just say we've never met
If I'm that easy to forget.

--- Instrumental ---

Before you leave be sure you find
You want his love much more than mine
'Cause I'll just say we've never met
If I'm that easy to forget.

Mirror lyrics:

If I'm that easy to forget.
'Cause I'll just say we've never met
You want his love much more than mine
Before you leave be sure you find

--- Instrumental ---

If I'm that easy to forget.
'Cause I'll just say we've never met
You want his love much more than mine
Before you leave be sure you find

Am I that easy to forget?
How could you leave without regret
But I don't want no one but you
Guess I could find somebody, too

Forget the love I had for you.
I just can't let you walk away
But that won't stop my lovin' you
They say you've found somebody new

(Carl Belew - W.S. Stevenson)

Relevant Tags:
AAm II TThat EEasy TTo FForget m hat asy o orget mA I hTat aEsy oT oFrget zm j fhat sasy fo corget zAm jI fThat sEasy fTo cForget Azm Ij Tfhat Esasy Tfo Fcorget
qm 9 5hat 3asy 5o rorget qAm 9I 5That 3Easy 5To rForget Aqm I9 T5hat E3asy T5o Frorget sm l hhat fasy ho gorget sAm lI hThat fEasy hTo gForget Asm Il Thhat Efasy Tho Fgorget
wm o yhat rasy yo torget wAm oI yThat rEasy yTo tForget Awm Io Tyhat Erasy Tyo Ftorget xm k 6hat 4asy 6o vorget xAm kI 6That 4Easy 6To vForget Axm Ik T6hat E4asy T6o Fvorget
Amm 8 ghat dasy go dorget A 8I gThat dEasy gTo dForget Am I8 Tghat Edasy Tgo Fdorget Aj u rhat wasy ro Foorget Ajm uI rThat wEasy rTo Frget Amj Iu Trhat Ewasy Tro Froget
Ak Eaasy Too Fkrget Akm Tat Esy T Fkorget Amk Taht Esay To Fokrget An Tjat Ezsy Tk F9rget Anm Tjhat Ezasy Tko F9orget Amn Thjat Eazsy Tok Fo9rget
Tuat Eqsy T9 F0rget Tuhat Eqasy T9o F0orget Thuat Eaqsy To9 Fo0rget Tnat Essy T0 Flrget Tnhat T0o Florget Thnat Eassy To0 Folrget
Tbat Ewsy Tl Firget Tbhat Tlo Fiorget Thbat Eawsy Tol Foirget Tgat Exsy Ti Forrget Exasy Tio Foget Thgat Eaxsy Toi Fogret
Tyat Fodget Eay Fodrget Thyat Eays Fordget Thaat Eazy Fo4get Tht Fo4rget Thta Easzy For4get
Thzt Eawy Fogget Thzat Fogrget Thazt Easwy Forgget Thqt Eady Fotget Thqat Eadsy Fotrget Thaqt Easdy Fortget
Thst Eaey Fo5get Thsat Eaesy Fo5rget Thast Easey For5get Thwt Eaxy Fofget Thwat Fofrget Thawt Easxy Forfget
Thxt Eaay Foeget Thxat Foerget Thaxt Easay Foreget

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