George Jones
Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All

(George Jones, Red Lane, Royce Porter)

I woke up with her in my arms this mornin'
Forgotten how I love her over all
As she whispered she loved me your memory appeared
Ain't your memory got no pride at all?

Tonight I lay here touchin' her sleek body
And a good familar feelin' I recall
I close my eyes to kiss her, your memory appeared
Ain't your memory got no pride at all?

If you were here we'd love but now your gone
I ask you let bygone all be bygones, yes and stay gone
You always find the wrong time to come around to call
Ain't your memory got no pride at all?

Ain't your memory got no pride at all?...

Mirror lyrics:

Ain't your memory got no pride at all?...

Ain't your memory got no pride at all?
You always find the wrong time to come around to call
I ask you let bygone all be bygones, yes and stay gone
If you were here we'd love but now your gone

Ain't your memory got no pride at all?
I close my eyes to kiss her, your memory appeared
And a good familar feelin' I recall
Tonight I lay here touchin' her sleek body

Ain't your memory got no pride at all?
As she whispered she loved me your memory appeared
Forgotten how I love her over all
I woke up with her in my arms this mornin'

(George Jones, Red Lane, Royce Porter)

Relevant Tags:
AAin't YYour MMemory GGot NNo PPride AAt AAll in't our emory ot o ride t ll iAn't oYur eMmory oGt oN rPide tA lAl
zin't gour jemory hot mo 0ride zt zll zAin't gYour jMemory hGot mNo 0Pride zAt zAll Azin't Ygour Mjemory Ghot Nmo P0ride Azt Azll
qin't hour kemory yot ho lride qt qll qAin't hYour kMemory yGot hNo lPride qAt qAll Aqin't Yhour Mkemory Gyot Nho Plride Aqt Aqll
sin't 6our nemory bot jo oride st sll sAin't 6Your nMemory bGot jNo oPride sAt sAll Asin't Y6our Mnemory Gbot Njo Poride Ast Asll
win't uour Meemory vot bo Prride wt wll wAin't uYour Mmory vGot bNo Pide wAt wAll Awin't Yuour Mmeory Gvot Nbo Pirde Awt Awll
xin't 7our Msmory fot Noo Pdide xt xll xAin't 7Your Msemory fGot N Pdride xAt xAll Axin't Y7our Mesmory Gfot No Prdide Axt Axll
Aiin't jour M3mory tot Nk P4ide Att Alll An't jYour M3emory tGot Nko P4ride A Al Ani't Yjour Me3mory Gtot Nok Pr4ide At All
Ajn't tour Mfmory Goot N9 Pgide Af Akl Ajin't tYour Mfemory Gt N9o Pgride Aft Akll Aijn't Ytour Mefmory Gto No9 Prgide Atf Alkl
A9n't Yoour Mrmory Gkt N0 Ptide A5 Aol A9in't Yur Mremory Gkot N0o Ptride A5t Aoll Ai9n't Yuor Mermory Gokt No0 Prtide At5 Alol
Aln't Ykur M4mory G9t Nl P5ide Ah Apl Alin't Ykour M4emory G9ot Nlo P5ride Aht Apll Ailn't Yokur Me4mory Go9t Nol Pr5ide Ath Alpl
Aon't Y9ur Mdmory G0t Ni Pfide Ay Aoin't Y9our Mdemory G0ot Nio Pfride Ayt Aion't Yo9ur Medmory Go0t Noi Prfide Aty
Akn't Y0ur Mwmory Glt Peide A6 Alk Akin't Y0our Mwemory Glot Peride A6t Aikn't Yo0ur Mewmory Golt Preide At6 Allk
A8n't Ylur Memmory Git Priide Ag Alo A8in't Ylour Meory Giot Prde Agt Ai8n't Yolur Meomry Goit Prdie Atg Allo
Aun't Yiur Mejory Gott Prjde Ar Alp Auin't Yiour Mejmory Go Prjide Art Aiun't Yoiur Memjory Got Prijde Atr Allp
Ainn't Youur Mekory Gof Pr9de Ai't Yor Mekmory Goft Pr9ide Ai'nt Yoru Memkory Gotf Pri9de
Aim't Yohr Menory Go5 Prlde Aimn't Yohur Menmory Go5t Prlide Ainm't Youhr Memnory Got5 Prilde
Aih't Yo7r Memoory Goh Prode Aihn't Yo7ur Memry Goht Proide Ainh't You7r Memroy Goth Priode
Aij't Yokr Memkry Goy Prkde Goyt Prkide Ainj't Youkr Memokry Goty Prikde
Aib't Yoir Mem9ry Go6 Pr8de Aibn't Mem9ory Go6t Pr8ide

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