George Harrison
Pisces Fish

Rowers gliding on the river
Canadian geese crap along the bank
Back wheel of my bike begins to quiver
The chain is wrapped around the crank

Old ladies, who must be doggie training
Walking, throwing balls, chasing all the sheep
While the farmer stands around,
and he's complaining
His mad cows are being put to sleep
and I'm a Pisces fish and the rivers runs
through my soul

Smoke signals from the brewery
Like someone in there found the latest Pope
In a vat of beer that keeps pumping
out with fury
While the churchbell ringer's tangled
in his rope

There's a temple on an island
I think of all the Gods and what they feel
You can only find them in the deepest silence
I got to get off of this big wheel

And I'm a Pisces fish and the river runs
through my soul
I'm a Pisces fish and the river runs
through my soul

And I'll be swimming until I can find
those waters
That one unbounded ocean of bliss
That's flowing through your parents,
sons and daughters
But still an easy thing for us to miss

Blades go skimming through the water
I hear the coxon shouting his
instructions about
With this crew oh it could be a tall order
Have we time to sort all of these things out?

Some times my life it seems like fiction
Some of the days it's really quite serene
I'm a living proof of all life's contradictions
One half's going where the other
half's just been
And I'm a Pisces fish and the river runs
through my soul

Mirror lyrics:

through my soul
And I'm a Pisces fish and the river runs
half's just been
One half's going where the other
I'm a living proof of all life's contradictions
Some of the days it's really quite serene
Some times my life it seems like fiction

Have we time to sort all of these things out?
With this crew oh it could be a tall order
instructions about
I hear the coxon shouting his
Blades go skimming through the water

But still an easy thing for us to miss
sons and daughters
That's flowing through your parents,
That one unbounded ocean of bliss
those waters
And I'll be swimming until I can find

through my soul
I'm a Pisces fish and the river runs
through my soul
And I'm a Pisces fish and the river runs

I got to get off of this big wheel
You can only find them in the deepest silence
I think of all the Gods and what they feel
There's a temple on an island

in his rope
While the churchbell ringer's tangled
out with fury
In a vat of beer that keeps pumping
Like someone in there found the latest Pope
Smoke signals from the brewery

through my soul
and I'm a Pisces fish and the rivers runs
His mad cows are being put to sleep
and he's complaining
While the farmer stands around,
Walking, throwing balls, chasing all the sheep
Old ladies, who must be doggie training

The chain is wrapped around the crank
Back wheel of my bike begins to quiver
Canadian geese crap along the bank
Rowers gliding on the river

Relevant Tags:
PPisces FFish isces ish iPsces iFsh 0isces cish 0Pisces cFish P0isces Fcish lisces rish lPisces rFish Plisces Frish oisces gish
oPisces gFish Poisces Fgish Piisces tish Psces tFish Psices Ftish Pjsces vish Pjisces vFish Pijsces Fvish P9sces dish P9isces dFish
Pi9sces Fdish Plsces Fiish Fsh Pilsces Fsih Posces Fjsh Fjish Piosces Fijsh Pksces F9sh Pkisces F9ish Piksces Fi9sh
P8sces Flsh P8isces Flish Pi8sces Filsh Pusces Fosh Puisces Foish Piusces Fiosh Pissces Fksh Pices Fkish Picses Fiksh Pizces F8sh
Pizsces F8ish Piszces Fi8sh Piwces Fush Piwsces Fuish Piswces Fiush Pidces Fissh Pidsces Fih Pisdces Fihs Pieces Fizh Piesces Fizsh
Piseces Fiszh Pixces Fiwh Pixsces Fiwsh Pisxces Fiswh

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