George Harrison
My Sweet Lord

My sweet lord
Hm, my lord
Hm, my lord

I really want to see you
Really want to be with you
Really want to see you, lord
But it takes so long, my lord

My sweet lord
Hm, my lord
Hm, my lord

I really want to know you
Really want to go with you
Really want to show you lord
That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)

I really want to see you
Really want to see you
Really want to see you, lord
Really want to see you, lord
But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My, my, my lord (hallelujah)

I really want to know you (hallelujah)
Really want to go with you (hallelujah)
Really want to show you lord (ahhh...)
That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)

Hmmm... (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)
My, my lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hare krishna)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
Oh hm, my sweet lord (krishna, krishna)
Oh-uuh-uh (hare hare)

Now, I really want to see you (hare rama)
Really want to be with you (hare rama)
Really want to see you lord (aaah)
But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My lord (hare hare)
Hm, hm (Gurur Brahma)
Hm, hm (Gurur Vishnu)
Hm, hm (Gurur Devo)
Hm, hm (Maheshwara)
My sweet lord (Gurur Sakshaat)
My sweet lord (Parabrahma)
My, my, my lord (Tasmayi Shree)
My, my, my, my lord (Guruve Namah)
My sweet lord (Hare Rama)


(hare krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My lord (hare hare)

Mirror lyrics:

My lord (hare hare)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
(hare krishna)


My sweet lord (Hare Rama)
My, my, my, my lord (Guruve Namah)
My, my, my lord (Tasmayi Shree)
My sweet lord (Parabrahma)
My sweet lord (Gurur Sakshaat)
Hm, hm (Maheshwara)
Hm, hm (Gurur Devo)
Hm, hm (Gurur Vishnu)
Hm, hm (Gurur Brahma)
My lord (hare hare)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)

But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)
Really want to see you lord (aaah)
Really want to be with you (hare rama)
Now, I really want to see you (hare rama)

Oh-uuh-uh (hare hare)
Oh hm, my sweet lord (krishna, krishna)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
Hm, my lord (hare krishna)

My, my lord (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hmmm... (hallelujah)

That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)
Really want to show you lord (ahhh...)
Really want to go with you (hallelujah)
I really want to know you (hallelujah)

My, my, my lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)

But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)
Really want to see you, lord
Really want to see you, lord
Really want to see you
I really want to see you

My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)

That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)
Really want to show you lord
Really want to go with you
I really want to know you

Hm, my lord
Hm, my lord
My sweet lord

But it takes so long, my lord
Really want to see you, lord
Really want to be with you
I really want to see you

Hm, my lord
Hm, my lord
My sweet lord

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MMy SSweet LLord y weet ord yM wSeet oLrd jy zweet kord jMy zSweet kLord Mjy Szweet Lkord ky wweet oord kMy wSweet oLord Mky Swweet Loord
ny dweet pord nMy dSweet pLord Mny Sdweet Lpord Myy eweet M eSweet Lrd My Seweet Lrod Mg xweet Lkrd Mgy xSweet Myg Sxweet Lokrd
Mh aweet L9rd Mhy aSweet L9ord Myh Saweet Lo9rd M6 L0rd M6y Seet L0ord My6 Sewet Lo0rd Mu Saeet Llrd Muy Llord Myu Swaeet Lolrd
M7 S3eet Lird M7y S3weet Liord My7 Sw3eet Loird Mj Sdeet Lorrd Lod Myj Swdeet Lodr Mt Seeet Lodd Mty Lodrd Myt Sweeet Lordd
Sseet Lo4d Ssweet Lo4rd Swseet Lor4d S2eet Logd S2weet Logrd Sw2eet Lorgd Sqeet Lotd Sqweet Lotrd Swqeet Lortd
Lo5d Swet Lo5rd Sweet Lor5d

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