Fred Hammond
Let The Praise Begin

Verse 1
Here we are
Let's get on one accord
Leave all your problems on the outside
To be consumed with the Holy Ghost fire
Open up your mouth and lift the name of Jesus higher, say

Chorus A
Are you ready for your blessing? (are ya ready)
Are you ready for your miracle?

For the chains that come from the enemy
Are utterly destroyed when the praises ring, hey hey

Chorus B
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus(he's exalted forever so...)
Let the praise begin
Lord I love you
No one above you (just put yo hands together and let...)
Let the praise begin
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Verse 2
I know it might be tough to get yo praise on
Trials of life been catching you all week long
If you don't have a reason to praise him let me give you one
He gave you a brand new mercy
With the rising of the sun, say

(Chorus A) 2 times
(Chorus B) 2 times

Chorus A
Are you ready for your blessing?
Are you ready for your miracle?

For the chains that bind up the enemy
Are at your disposal when the praises ring

(Chorus A) (again)

Vamp......2 times
Raise up
Send the praise up
Raise up
Send the praise up
Raise up
Send the praise up
He's here right now

It's in your praise (8x)
He's here (6x)
He's here right now

Mirror lyrics:

He's here right now
He's here (6x)
It's in your praise (8x)

He's here right now
Send the praise up
Raise up
Send the praise up
Raise up
Send the praise up
Raise up
Vamp......2 times

(Chorus A) (again)

Are at your disposal when the praises ring
For the chains that bind up the enemy

Are you ready for your miracle?
Are you ready for your blessing?
Chorus A

(Chorus B) 2 times
(Chorus A) 2 times

With the rising of the sun, say
He gave you a brand new mercy
If you don't have a reason to praise him let me give you one
Trials of life been catching you all week long
I know it might be tough to get yo praise on
Verse 2

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Let the praise begin
No one above you (just put yo hands together and let...)
Lord I love you
Let the praise begin
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus(he's exalted forever so...)
Chorus B

Are utterly destroyed when the praises ring, hey hey
For the chains that come from the enemy

Are you ready for your miracle?
Are you ready for your blessing? (are ya ready)
Chorus A

Open up your mouth and lift the name of Jesus higher, say
To be consumed with the Holy Ghost fire
Leave all your problems on the outside
Let's get on one accord
Here we are
Verse 1

Relevant Tags:
LLet TThe PPraise BBegin et he raise egin eLt hTe rPaise eBgin ket fhe 0raise vegin kLet fThe 0Praise vBegin Lket Tfhe P0raise Bvegin
oet 5he lraise gegin oLet 5The lPraise gBegin Loet T5he Plraise Bgegin pet hhe oraise negin pLet hThe oPraise nBegin Lpet Thhe Poraise Bnegin
Leet yhe Prraise hegin Lt yThe Paise hBegin Lte Tyhe Parise Bhegin Lst 6he Pdaise Beegin Lset 6The Pdraise Bgin Lest T6he Prdaise Bgein
L3t ghe P4aise Bsgin L3et gThe P4raise Bsegin Le3t Tghe Pr4aise Besgin Lft rhe Pgaise B3gin Lfet rThe Pgraise B3egin Left Trhe Prgaise Be3gin
Lrt Ptaise Bfgin Lret Te Ptraise Bfegin Lert Teh Prtaise Befgin L4t Tje P5aise Brgin L4et Tjhe P5raise Bregin Le4t Thje Pr5aise Bergin
Ldt Tue Pfaise B4gin Ldet Tuhe Pfraise B4egin Ledt Thue Prfaise Be4gin Lwt Tne Peaise Bdgin Lwet Tnhe Peraise Bdegin Lewt Thne Preaise Bedgin
Lett Tbe Praaise Bwgin Le Tbhe Prise Bwegin Let Thbe Priase Bewgin Lef Tge Przise Beggin Przaise Bein Letf Thge Prazise Beign
Le5 Tye Prqise Behin Le5t Prqaise Behgin Let5 Thye Praqise Beghin Leh Thee Prsise Beyin Leht Th Prsaise Beygin Leth The Prasise Begyin
Ley Ths Prwise Bebin Leyt Thse Prwaise Bebgin Lety Thes Prawise Begbin Le6 Th3 Prxise Bevin Le6t Th3e Prxaise Bevgin Let6 The3 Praxise Begvin
Leg Thf Praiise Befin Legt Thfe Prase Letg Thef Prasie Begfin Ler Thr Prajse Betin Thre Prajise Betgin Letr Ther Praijse Begtin

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