Fred Astaire
I'd Rather Lead A Band

I haven't ambitions for lofty positions
That wind up with the wealth of the land
I'll give you the throne that a king sat on
For just a small baton
Providing you included a band

If I could be the wealthy owner of a large industry
I would say, "Not for me"
I'd rather lead a band

If I could be a politician with a chance to dictate
I would say, "Let it wait"
I'd rather lead a band

My ev'ry care ceases
I'm rich as old Croesus
When I've got ten pieces
In hand

If I could have a millionairess with a whole flock of banks
I would just whisper "Thanks"
I'd rather lead a band

(::2nd chorus:::)
Give me a band, yes sir
And not a thing lesser
To be that professor
Is grand

If Josephine had left Napoleon and climbed in my lap
I'd say, "Go back to Nap"
I'd rather lead a band

A saxophone, a slide trombone
A bass fiddle and a drum
A guy at the piano who makes it hum
A violin, a clarinet
A hot trumpet and guitar
And me with the baton and there you are

Mirror lyrics:

And me with the baton and there you are
A hot trumpet and guitar
A violin, a clarinet
A guy at the piano who makes it hum
A bass fiddle and a drum
A saxophone, a slide trombone

I'd rather lead a band
I'd say, "Go back to Nap"
If Josephine had left Napoleon and climbed in my lap

Is grand
To be that professor
And not a thing lesser
Give me a band, yes sir
(::2nd chorus:::)

I'd rather lead a band
I would just whisper "Thanks"
If I could have a millionairess with a whole flock of banks

In hand
When I've got ten pieces
I'm rich as old Croesus
My ev'ry care ceases

I'd rather lead a band
I would say, "Let it wait"
If I could be a politician with a chance to dictate

I'd rather lead a band
I would say, "Not for me"
If I could be the wealthy owner of a large industry

Providing you included a band
For just a small baton
I'll give you the throne that a king sat on
That wind up with the wealth of the land
I haven't ambitions for lofty positions

Relevant Tags:
II'd RRather LLead AA BBand 'd ather ead and 'Id aRther eLad A aBnd j'd dather kead z vand jI'd dRather kLead zA vBand Ij'd Rdather Lkead Az Bvand
9'd 4ather oead q gand 9I'd 4Rather oLead qA gBand I9'd R4ather Loead Aq Bgand l'd gather pead s nand lI'd gRather pLead sA nBand Il'd Rgather Lpead As Bnand
o'd tather Leead w hand oI'd tRather Lad wA hBand Io'd Rtather Laed Aw Bhand k'd 5ather Lsad x Baand kI'd 5Rather Lsead xA Bnd Ik'd R5ather Lesad Ax Bnad
8'd father L3ad Bznd 8I'd fRather L3ead Bzand I8'd Rfather Le3ad Baznd u'd eather Lfad Bqnd uI'd eRather Lfead Bqand Iu'd Reather Lefad Baqnd
I''d Raather Lrad Bsnd Id Rther Lread Bsand Id' Rtaher Lerad Basnd I'dd Rzther L4ad Bwnd I' Rzather L4ead Bwand I'd Razther Le4ad Bawnd
I'x Rqther Ldad Bxnd I'xd Rqather Ldead Bxand I'dx Raqther Ledad Baxnd I'e Rsther Lwad Bannd I'ed Rsather Lwead Bad I'de Rasther Lewad Badn
I'f Rwther Leaad Bamd I'fd Rwather Led Bamnd I'df Rawther Leda Banmd I'r Rxther Lezd Bahd I'rd Rxather Lezad Bahnd I'dr Raxther Leazd Banhd
I'c Ratther Leqd Bajd I'cd Raher Leqad Bajnd I'dc Rahter Leaqd Banjd I's Rafher Lesd Babd I'sd Rafther Babnd I'ds Ratfher Leasd Banbd
Ra5her Lewd Bandd Ra5ther Ban Rat5her Leawd Band Rahher Lexd Banx Rahther Lexad Banxd Rathher Leaxd Bandx
Rayher Leadd Bane Rayther Lea Baned Ratyher Lead Bande Ra6her Leax Banf Ra6ther Banfd Rat6her Leadx Bandf
Ragher Leae Banr Ragther Leaed Banrd Ratgher Leade Bandr Rarher Leaf Banc

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