Franã§oise Hardy
Tell Them You're Mine (c'ã‰tait Charmant)

There'll come a time other eyes will admire you
Maybe some time other hearts may desire you
This they will do and my days will be stormy
But when they do you can do something for me

Tell them you're mine, tell them you're mine

Tell them you're mine, leave no reason to doubt you
Then underline, I'd be lonely without you
Give me a sign that your heart will be true
Tell them you're mine and I can't live without you

Tell all the world you will never be free
Tell them you're mine then my darling tell me, tell me

Mirror lyrics:

Tell them you're mine then my darling tell me, tell me
Tell all the world you will never be free

Tell them you're mine and I can't live without you
Give me a sign that your heart will be true
Then underline, I'd be lonely without you
Tell them you're mine, leave no reason to doubt you

Tell them you're mine, tell them you're mine

But when they do you can do something for me
This they will do and my days will be stormy
Maybe some time other hearts may desire you
There'll come a time other eyes will admire you

Relevant Tags:
TTell TThem YYou're MMine ((c'ã‰tait CCharmant) ell hem ou're ine c'ã‰tait harmant) eTll hTem oYu're iMne c('ã‰tait hCarmant)
fell fhem gou're jine (cc'ã‰tait fharmant) fTell fThem gYou're jMine ('ã‰tait fCharmant) Tfell Tfhem Ygou're Mjine ('cã‰tait Cfharmant)
5ell 5hem hou're kine (f'ã‰tait xharmant) 5Tell 5Them hYou're kMine (fc'ã‰tait xCharmant) T5ell T5hem Yhou're Mkine (cf'ã‰tait Cxharmant)
hell hhem 6ou're nine (x'ã‰tait vharmant) hTell hThem 6You're nMine (xc'ã‰tait vCharmant) Thell Thhem Y6ou're Mnine (cx'ã‰tait Cvharmant)
yell yhem uou're Miine (v'ã‰tait dharmant) yTell yThem uYou're Mne (vc'ã‰tait dCharmant) Tyell Tyhem Yuou're Mnie (cv'ã‰tait Cdharmant)
6ell 6hem 7ou're Mjne (d'ã‰tait Chharmant) 6Tell 6Them 7You're (dc'ã‰tait Carmant) T6ell T6hem Y7ou're Mijne (cd'ã‰tait Cahrmant)
gell ghem jou're M9ne (c''ã‰tait Cjarmant) gTell gThem jYou're M9ine (cã‰tait Cjharmant) Tgell Tghem Yjou're Mi9ne (cã'‰tait Chjarmant)
rell rhem tou're Mlne (c'ãã‰tait Cuarmant) rTell rThem tYou're Mline (c'‰tait Cuharmant) Trell Trhem Ytou're Milne (c'‰ãtait Chuarmant)
Teell Yoou're Mone (c'㉉tait Cnarmant) Tll Tem Yu're Moine (c'ãtait Cnharmant) Tlel Tehm Yuo're Mione (c'ãt‰ait Chnarmant)
Tsll Tjem Yku're Mkne (c'ã‰ttait Cbarmant) Tsell Tjhem Ykou're (c'ã‰ait Cbharmant) Tesll Thjem Yoku're Mikne (c'ã‰atit Chbarmant)
T3ll Tuem Y9u're M8ne (c'ã‰fait Cgarmant) T3ell Tuhem Y9ou're M8ine (c'ã‰ftait Cgharmant) Te3ll Thuem Yo9u're Mi8ne (c'ã‰tfait Chgarmant)
Tfll Tnem Y0u're Mune (c'ã‰5ait Cyarmant) Tnhem Y0ou're Muine (c'ã‰5tait Cyharmant) Tefll Thnem Yo0u're Miune (c'ã‰t5ait Chyarmant)
Trll Tbem Ylu're Minne (c'ã‰hait Chaarmant) Tbhem Ylou're Mie (c'ã‰htait Chrmant) Terll Thbem Yolu're Mien (c'ã‰thait Chramant)
T4ll Tgem Yiu're Mime (c'ã‰yait Chzrmant) T4ell Yiou're Mimne (c'ã‰ytait Chzarmant) Te4ll Thgem Yoiu're Minme (c'ã‰tyait Chazrmant)
Tdll Tyem Youu're Mihe (c'ã‰6ait Chqrmant) Tdell Yo're Mihne (c'ã‰6tait Chqarmant) Tedll Thyem Yo'ure Minhe (c'ã‰t6ait Chaqrmant)
Twll Theem Yoh're Mije (c'ã‰gait Chsrmant) Twell Thm Yohu're (c'ã‰gtait Chsarmant) Tewll Thme Youh're Minje (c'ã‰tgait Chasrmant)
Telll Thsm Yo7're Mibe (c'ã‰rait Chwrmant) Tel Thsem Yo7u're Mibne (c'ã‰rtait Chwarmant) Tell Thesm You7're Minbe (c'ã‰trait Chawrmant)
Tekl Th3m Yok're Minee (c'ã‰taait Chxrmant) Tekll Th3em Min (c'ã‰tit Chxarmant) Telkl The3m Youk're Mine (c'ã‰tiat Chaxrmant)
Teol Thfm Yoi're Mins (c'ã‰tzit Charrmant) Teoll Thfem Minse (c'ã‰tzait Chamant) Telol Thefm Youi're Mines (c'ã‰tazit Chamrant)
Tepl Thrm Yo8're Min3 (c'ã‰tqit Chadmant) Tepll Threm Yo8u're Min3e (c'ã‰tqait Chadrmant) Telpl Therm You8're Mine3 (c'ã‰taqit Chardmant)
Th4m Yoj're Minf (c'ã‰tsit Cha4mant) Th4em Yoju're Minfe (c'ã‰tsait Cha4rmant) The4m Youj're Minef (c'ã‰tasit Char4mant)
Telk Thdm Yoy're Minr (c'ã‰twit Chagmant) Thdem Yoyu're Minre (c'ã‰twait Chagrmant) Tellk Thedm Youy're Miner (c'ã‰tawit Chargmant)
Telo Thwm You''re Min4 (c'ã‰txit Chatmant) Thwem Youre Min4e (c'ã‰txait Chatrmant) Tello Thewm Your'e Mine4 (c'ã‰taxit Chartmant)
Telp Themm You'rre Mind (c'ã‰taiit Cha5mant) The You'e Minde (c'ã‰tat Cha5rmant) Tellp Them You'er Mined (c'ã‰tati Char5mant)
Thej You'de Minw (c'ã‰tajt Chafmant) Thejm You'dre Minwe (c'ã‰tajit Chafrmant) Themj You'rde Minew (c'ã‰taijt Charfmant)

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