Fu Manchu
Evil Eye

6 hours before
with an evil grin
better brace yourself
straightaway or win
Call power slide
Separates them all
Never touchin the brake
Evil eye has set his plan
...Erasin' all...
Evil eye has set his plan
...Erasin' all...

Pushed through the floor
Halfway through the turn
As we ride up high
The dirt starts to burn
Wheels of his heap
Hits the backstreet wall
Evil eye has signaled

Evil eye has set his plan
...Erasin' all...
Evil eye has set his plan
...Erasin' all...

Evil...eye...will fall

Mirror lyrics:

Evil...eye...will fall

...Erasin' all...
Evil eye has set his plan
...Erasin' all...
Evil eye has set his plan

Evil eye has signaled
Hits the backstreet wall
Wheels of his heap
The dirt starts to burn
As we ride up high
Halfway through the turn
Pushed through the floor

...Erasin' all...
Evil eye has set his plan
...Erasin' all...
Evil eye has set his plan
Never touchin the brake
Separates them all
Call power slide
straightaway or win
better brace yourself
with an evil grin
6 hours before

Relevant Tags:
EEvil EEye vil ye vEil yEe svil sye sEvil sEye Esvil Esye 3vil 3ye 3Evil 3Eye E3vil E3ye fvil fye fEvil fEye
Efvil Efye rvil rye rEvil rEye Ervil Erye 4vil 4ye 4Evil 4Eye E4vil E4ye dvil dye dEvil dEye Edvil Edye wvil wye
wEvil wEye Ewvil Ewye Evvil Eyye Eil Ee Eivl Eey Ebil Ege Ebvil Egye Evbil Eyge Ecil Ehe Ecvil Ehye Evcil Eyhe
Egil E6e Egvil E6ye Evgil Ey6e

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