Walk The Sky

My skin is my sheild
But who's to save me from inside
Wretched as if
To procreate from genocide
See how it tried to fly
Wings that are kryptonite

I wanted to feel this
I'm thinking of trying to fly
'Cause if i get my ins
I'll walk the sky

All that is ill
And all i fight to keep inside
Grips me untill
The point of breaking's no suprise
See how it ried to fly
Wings that are kryptonite

Mirror lyrics:

Wings that are kryptonite
See how it ried to fly
The point of breaking's no suprise
Grips me untill
And all i fight to keep inside
All that is ill

I'll walk the sky
'Cause if i get my ins
I'm thinking of trying to fly
I wanted to feel this

Wings that are kryptonite
See how it tried to fly
To procreate from genocide
Wretched as if
But who's to save me from inside
My skin is my sheild

Relevant Tags:
WWalk TThe SSky alk he ky aWlk hTe kSy aalk fhe zky aWalk fThe zSky Waalk Tfhe Szky 3alk 5he wky 3Walk 5The wSky W3alk T5he Swky
dalk hhe dky dWalk hThe dSky Wdalk Thhe Sdky ealk yhe eky eWalk yThe eSky Wealk Tyhe Seky salk 6he xky sWalk 6The xSky Wsalk T6he Sxky
2alk ghe aky 2Walk gThe aSky W2alk Tghe Saky qalk rhe Skky qWalk rThe Sy Wqalk Trhe Syk Sly Wlk Te Slky Wlak Teh Skly
Wzlk Tje Soy Wzalk Tjhe Soky Wazlk Thje Skoy Wqlk Tue Smy Tuhe Smky Waqlk Thue Skmy

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