Fruvous Moxy
Kick In The Ass

(Murray, then rest)
Kick in the ass.
Kick in the ass.
Kick in the ass, it's coming.
Kick in the ass, it's coming.

That guy who's stealing my parking space
He gets a
kick in the ass.
A great big
kick in the ass.

That baggage handler playing with my suitcase
He'll get a
kick in the ass.
It's comin',
kick in the ass.

People telemarketing,
calling during supper.
They should come visit and
show me their face.

And get a
kick in the ass.
A great big
kick in the ass.

A kick in the ass.
It's coming.
Kick in the ass.

Someone's complaining that they
got no hors d'oeuvres.

They'll get a
kick in the ass.
A great big
kick in the ass.

That guy!
That guy who wrote that book
about the bell curve.

My hardest
kick in the ass.
It's comin'
kick in the ass.

Jugs of milk left in the fridge,
with only drops remaining.
I'll find who did it,
they'll get what they deserve.
(get what they deserve)

A great big
kick in the ass.
That's right, a
kick in the ass.

(vocal "kick in the ass, it's comin'" solo)

I dole out justice with the
tip of my boot.

I'll kick ya!
kick in the ass.
It's comin'
kick in the ass. (Jian ??)

It's got a logic
that you just can't refute.

You just can't refute good
kick in the ass.
The king of
kick in the ass.

A trail of aching derrières
next time they'll be more thoughtful.
They'll hunt me down and
stop my fun at the root.

I'll get a
Kick in the ass.
Full circle
Kick in the ass.
Kick in the ass.
Kick in the ass.


Mirror lyrics:


Kick in the ass.
Kick in the ass.
Kick in the ass.
Full circle
Kick in the ass.
I'll get a

stop my fun at the root.
They'll hunt me down and
next time they'll be more thoughtful.
A trail of aching derrières

kick in the ass.
The king of
kick in the ass.
You just can't refute good

that you just can't refute.
It's got a logic

kick in the ass. (Jian ??)
It's comin'
kick in the ass.
I'll kick ya!

tip of my boot.
I dole out justice with the

(vocal "kick in the ass, it's comin'" solo)

kick in the ass.
That's right, a
kick in the ass.
A great big

(get what they deserve)
they'll get what they deserve.
I'll find who did it,
with only drops remaining.
Jugs of milk left in the fridge,

kick in the ass.
It's comin'
kick in the ass.
My hardest

about the bell curve.
That guy who wrote that book
That guy!

kick in the ass.
A great big
kick in the ass.
They'll get a

got no hors d'oeuvres.
Someone's complaining that they

Kick in the ass.
It's coming.
A kick in the ass.

kick in the ass.
A great big
kick in the ass.
And get a

show me their face.
They should come visit and
calling during supper.
People telemarketing,

kick in the ass.
It's comin',
kick in the ass.
He'll get a
That baggage handler playing with my suitcase

kick in the ass.
A great big
kick in the ass.
He gets a
That guy who's stealing my parking space

Kick in the ass, it's coming.
Kick in the ass, it's coming.
Kick in the ass.
Kick in the ass.
(Murray, then rest)

Relevant Tags:
KKick IIn TThe AAss ick n he ss iKck nI hTe sAs lick jn fhe zss lKick jIn fThe zAss Klick Ijn Tfhe Azss oick 9n 5he qss
oKick 9In 5The qAss Koick I9n T5he Aqss mick ln hhe sss mKick lIn hThe sAss Kmick Iln Thhe Asss jick on yhe wss jKick oIn yThe wAss
Kjick Ion Tyhe Awss iick kn 6he xss iKick kIn 6The xAss Kiick Ikn T6he Axss 8n ghe Kck 8In gThe As Kcik I8n Tghe Ass
Kjck un rhe Azs uIn rThe Kijck Iun Trhe Aszs K9ck Inn Aws K9ick I Te Ki9ck In Teh Asws Klck Im Tje Ads
Imn Tjhe Adss Kilck Inm Thje Asds Kock Ih Tue Aes Ihn Tuhe Aess Kiock Inh Thue Ases Kkck Ij Tne Axs Kkick Tnhe
Kikck Inj Thne Asxs

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