Franz Ferdinand
All For You Sophia

Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, Europe's going to weep
All for you, all for you, all for you, Sophia (x4)

Bang bang, history's complete
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo

All for you, all for you, all for you, Sophia (x4)

The Black Hand holds the gun
The devil takes his run
Urban, take the Appel Quay
It's June the twenty-eighth
The seventh was for me

Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo

Mirror lyrics:

Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip

The seventh was for me
It's June the twenty-eighth
Urban, take the Appel Quay
The devil takes his run
The Black Hand holds the gun

All for you, all for you, all for you, Sophia (x4)

Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, history's complete

All for you, all for you, all for you, Sophia (x4)
Bang bang, Europe's going to weep
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip

Relevant Tags:
AAll FFor YYou SSophia ll or ou ophia lAl oFr oYu oSphia zll cor gou zophia zAll cFor gYou zSophia Azll Fcor Ygou Szophia
qll ror hou wophia qAll rFor hYou wSophia Aqll Fror Yhou Swophia sll gor 6ou dophia sAll gFor 6You dSophia Asll Fgor Y6ou Sdophia
wll tor uou eophia wAll tFor uYou eSophia Awll Ftor Yuou Seophia xll vor 7ou xophia xAll vFor 7You xSophia Axll Fvor Y7ou Sxophia
Alll dor jou aophia Al dFor jYou aSophia All Fdor Yjou Saophia Akl Foor tou Soophia Akll Fr tYou Sphia Alkl Fro Ytou Spohia
Aol Fkr Yoou Skphia Aoll Fkor Yu Skophia Alol Fokr Yuo Sokphia Apl F9r Yku S9phia Apll F9or Ykou S9ophia Alpl Fo9r Yoku So9phia
F0r Y9u S0phia F0or Y9ou S0ophia Fo0r Yo9u So0phia Alk Flr Y0u Slphia Flor Y0ou Slophia Allk Folr Yo0u Solphia
Alo Fir Ylu Siphia Fior Ylou Siophia Allo Foir Yolu Soiphia Alp Forr Yiu Sopphia Fo Yiou Sohia Allp For Yoiu Sohpia
Fod Youu So0hia Fodr Yo Ford You Sop0hia Fo4 Yoh Solhia Fo4r Yohu For4 Youh Soplhia
Fog Yo7 Soohia Fogr Yo7u Forg You7 Sopohia Fot Yok Sophhia Fotr Sopia Fort Youk Sopiha
Fo5 Yoi Sopjia

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