Frankie J.
How To Deal (reggaeton Remix)

Eske ya no regresas....ya no quiero no regresas a mis manos...

Sometimes a man has to choose
And do something he doesn't wanna do.
Do I live my life with you as my wife
Or do I go on and pursue my lifetime dream?
I gotta do this for me,
Cuz if I don't I'll probably regret it,
But if I do I'll probably regret it,
How do I cope?

How do you cope when
The one you love is with somebody else
And thers nothing you could do about it?
How do I deal with
The fact that you had a chance
But you chose to turn away for your career?
I gotta take it though its heartbreakin'
It's something that I had to do,
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
So how do I do I deal without you?

now im chasing a dream, makin the green
u hatin outta patience how u making it seem
so i gota go, wat the hell guna happen wen i gotta go
shows, clothes, hoes, n get alota dough
no more punchin the clock im goin back to the block
wen my album will drop its only gona get worse
n i dont really wanna see u get hurt, im sorry that i gotta put my self 1st
i came up from the dirt
ill be damned if this man dont show em wat im worth
escuchame ull always have a frend n a lover
the end of one thing is the beginning of another

How do I deal with
The fact that you had a chance
But you chose to turn away for your career?
I gotta take it though its heartbreakin'
It's something that I had to do,
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
So how do I do I deal without you?

It's killing me to know
That your heart's with me,
But you're with him cause I chose
To be in this industry,
Money, shows, and hoes come along with luxury and Fame
Is all you see when you think about it
But this is the life that I was given,
So I have to live it to the fullest
But how do I deal in the meantime without you?

How do you cope when
The one you love is with somebody else
And there's nothing you could do about it?
How do I deal with
The fact that you had a chance
But you chose to turn away for your career?
I gotta take it though it's heartbreakin'
It's something that I had to do,
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
So how do I do I deal without you?

How do you deal when you can't be with
the one you love but the one you love is
with somebody else?
What do you do when you know she don't love him
but she love me but she cant stand lovin' you faraway?
you just deal with it, deal with it,
(I dont wanna have to live with it)
you just deal with it, deal with it,
you just deal with it, deal with it,
(I dont want nobody else alovin' you)
you just deal with it, deal with it,
(I dont nobody else alovin' me)

How do you cope when
The one you love is with somebody else
And there's nothing you could do about it?
How do I deal with
The fact that you had a chance
But you chose to turn away for your career?
I gotta take it though it's heartbreakin'
It's something that I had to do,
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
So how do I do I deal without you?

How do you cope when
The one you love is with somebody else
And there's nothing you could do about it?.....

Mirror lyrics:

And there's nothing you could do about it?.....
The one you love is with somebody else
How do you cope when

So how do I do I deal without you?
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
It's something that I had to do,
I gotta take it though it's heartbreakin'
But you chose to turn away for your career?
The fact that you had a chance
How do I deal with
And there's nothing you could do about it?
The one you love is with somebody else
How do you cope when

(I dont nobody else alovin' me)
you just deal with it, deal with it,
(I dont want nobody else alovin' you)
you just deal with it, deal with it,
you just deal with it, deal with it,
(I dont wanna have to live with it)
you just deal with it, deal with it,
but she love me but she cant stand lovin' you faraway?
What do you do when you know she don't love him
with somebody else?
the one you love but the one you love is
How do you deal when you can't be with

So how do I do I deal without you?
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
It's something that I had to do,
I gotta take it though it's heartbreakin'
But you chose to turn away for your career?
The fact that you had a chance
How do I deal with
And there's nothing you could do about it?
The one you love is with somebody else
How do you cope when

But how do I deal in the meantime without you?
So I have to live it to the fullest
But this is the life that I was given,
Is all you see when you think about it
Money, shows, and hoes come along with luxury and Fame
To be in this industry,
But you're with him cause I chose
That your heart's with me,
It's killing me to know

So how do I do I deal without you?
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
It's something that I had to do,
I gotta take it though its heartbreakin'
But you chose to turn away for your career?
The fact that you had a chance
How do I deal with

the end of one thing is the beginning of another
escuchame ull always have a frend n a lover
ill be damned if this man dont show em wat im worth
i came up from the dirt
n i dont really wanna see u get hurt, im sorry that i gotta put my self 1st
wen my album will drop its only gona get worse
no more punchin the clock im goin back to the block
shows, clothes, hoes, n get alota dough
so i gota go, wat the hell guna happen wen i gotta go
u hatin outta patience how u making it seem
now im chasing a dream, makin the green

So how do I do I deal without you?
But nobody said that it would hurt so bad,
It's something that I had to do,
I gotta take it though its heartbreakin'
But you chose to turn away for your career?
The fact that you had a chance
How do I deal with
And thers nothing you could do about it?
The one you love is with somebody else
How do you cope when

How do I cope?
But if I do I'll probably regret it,
Cuz if I don't I'll probably regret it,
I gotta do this for me,
Or do I go on and pursue my lifetime dream?
Do I live my life with you as my wife
And do something he doesn't wanna do.
Sometimes a man has to choose

Eske ya no regresas....ya no quiero no regresas a mis manos...

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