Frank Zappa
The Downtown Talent Scout

Artist: Frank Zappa
Title: The Downtown Talent Scout

The kids are freaking out
Everybody's goin' nuts
The heats out every night
To call up names and kick thier butts
But everytime you turn around
You'll see some joker staring back
He's got a secret tape recorder
And a camera in a sack
Pretending that he's just another
Of the kiddies freaking out
But they pay him off in acid
Cos he's a downtown talent scout

He's got your name
And he's got your face
He's got your ex-old lady's place
He's here to see whats goin down
And they don't believe the things he's found

The badges gleam and the minors scream
When he pulls on the scene
They got no warrants in their pockets
But that badge makes them supreme

You kids are smoking dandelions
You're sniffing paper bags baby
You're dropping Good N' Plenties
We can tell your posture sags
Now line up here against the wall
Your bodies frail and thin
And open up your pockets
While we dump the evidence in

Well they know that smoking flowers
Won't win a case in court
and they know that Good N' Plenties
Aren't the psychedelic sort
But they tear your place apart
Because they simply couldn't pass
A chance to drag some freaks downtown
For smoking devil grass

Well you never get your day in court
The food downtown is foul
The day of trial you nearly die
With maggots in your bowel
But modern law and justice
Has advanced to such a point
That a jury trial is useless
They simply take you to the joint

Cause after all you look so freaky
How could anyone believe
That what you think and what you feel
Comes close at all to what is real

Blow your harmonica son

Mirror lyrics:

Blow your harmonica son

Comes close at all to what is real
That what you think and what you feel
How could anyone believe
Cause after all you look so freaky

They simply take you to the joint
That a jury trial is useless
Has advanced to such a point
But modern law and justice
With maggots in your bowel
The day of trial you nearly die
The food downtown is foul
Well you never get your day in court

For smoking devil grass
A chance to drag some freaks downtown
Because they simply couldn't pass
But they tear your place apart
Aren't the psychedelic sort
and they know that Good N' Plenties
Won't win a case in court
Well they know that smoking flowers

While we dump the evidence in
And open up your pockets
Your bodies frail and thin
Now line up here against the wall
We can tell your posture sags
You're dropping Good N' Plenties
You're sniffing paper bags baby
You kids are smoking dandelions

But that badge makes them supreme
They got no warrants in their pockets
When he pulls on the scene
The badges gleam and the minors scream

And they don't believe the things he's found
He's here to see whats goin down
He's got your ex-old lady's place
And he's got your face
He's got your name

Cos he's a downtown talent scout
But they pay him off in acid
Of the kiddies freaking out
Pretending that he's just another
And a camera in a sack
He's got a secret tape recorder
You'll see some joker staring back
But everytime you turn around
To call up names and kick thier butts
The heats out every night
Everybody's goin' nuts
The kids are freaking out

Title: The Downtown Talent Scout
Artist: Frank Zappa

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDowntown TTalent SScout he owntown alent cout hTe oDwntown aTlent cSout fhe xowntown falent zcout fThe xDowntown fTalent zScout
Tfhe Dxowntown Tfalent Szcout 5he eowntown 5alent wcout 5The eDowntown 5Talent wScout T5he Deowntown T5alent Swcout hhe fowntown halent dcout
hThe fDowntown hTalent dScout Thhe Dfowntown Thalent Sdcout yhe rowntown yalent ecout yThe rDowntown yTalent eScout Tyhe Drowntown Tyalent Secout
6he cowntown 6alent xcout 6The cDowntown 6Talent xScout T6he Dcowntown T6alent Sxcout ghe sowntown galent acout gThe sDowntown gTalent aScout
Tghe Dsowntown Tgalent Sacout rhe Doowntown ralent Sccout rThe Dwntown rTalent Sout Trhe Dwontown Tralent Socut Dkwntown Taalent Sfout
Te Dkowntown Tlent Sfcout Teh Dokwntown Tlaent Scfout Tje D9wntown Tzlent Sxout Tjhe D9owntown Tzalent Thje Do9wntown Tazlent Scxout
Tue D0wntown Tqlent Svout Tuhe D0owntown Tqalent Svcout Thue Do0wntown Taqlent Scvout Tne Dlwntown Tslent Sdout Tnhe Dlowntown Tsalent
Thne Dolwntown Taslent Scdout Tbe Diwntown Twlent Scoout Tbhe Diowntown Twalent Scut Thbe Doiwntown Tawlent Scuot Tge Dowwntown Txlent Sckut
Dontown Txalent Sckout Thge Donwtown Taxlent Scokut Tye Doantown Tallent Sc9ut Doawntown Taent Sc9out Thye Dowantown Taelnt Sco9ut
Thee Do3ntown Takent Sc0ut Th Do3wntown Taklent Sc0out The Dow3ntown Talkent Sco0ut Ths Dodntown Taoent Sclut Thse Dodwntown Taolent Sclout
Thes Dowdntown Taloent Scolut Th3 Doentown Tapent Sciut Th3e Doewntown Taplent Sciout The3 Dowentown Talpent Scoiut Thf Dosntown Taleent Scouut
Thfe Doswntown Talnt Scot Thef Dowsntown Talnet Scotu Thr Do2ntown Talsnt Scoht Thre Do2wntown Talsent Scohut Ther Dow2ntown Talesnt Scouht
Th4 Doqntown Tal3nt Sco7t Th4e Doqwntown Tal3ent Sco7ut The4 Dowqntown Tale3nt Scou7t Thd Downntown Talfnt Scokt Thde Dowtown Talfent
Thed Dowtnown Talefnt Scoukt Thw Dowmtown Talrnt Scoit Thwe Dowmntown Talrent Thew Downmtown Talernt Scouit Dowhtown Tal4nt Sco8t
Dowhntown Tal4ent Sco8ut Downhtown Tale4nt Scou8t Dowjtown Taldnt Scojt Dowjntown Taldent Scojut Downjtown Talednt Scoujt
Dowbtown Talwnt Scoyt Dowbntown Talwent Scoyut Downbtown Talewnt Scouyt Downttown Talennt Scoutt

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