Frank Zappa
Semi Fraudulent Direct From Hollywood Overture

Artist: Frank Zappa
title: Semi-fraudulent / Direct-from-hollywood Overture

Theodore Bikel:
Ladies and gentlemen!

200 motels

Theodore Bikel:
200 motels . . . Life on the road!

Theodore Bikel:
Ladies and gentlemen! and here is . . .


Theodore Bikel:
Larry the dwarf!
Larry likes to dress up funny
Tonight he's dressed up like Frank Zappa
Let's ask him "What's the deal?"


Mirror lyrics:


Let's ask him "What's the deal?"
Tonight he's dressed up like Frank Zappa
Larry likes to dress up funny
Larry the dwarf!
Theodore Bikel:


Ladies and gentlemen! and here is . . .
Theodore Bikel:

200 motels . . . Life on the road!
Theodore Bikel:

200 motels

Ladies and gentlemen!
Theodore Bikel:

title: Semi-fraudulent / Direct-from-hollywood Overture
Artist: Frank Zappa

Relevant Tags:
SSemi FFraudulent DDirect FFrom HHollywood OOverture emi raudulent irect rom ollywood verture eSmi rFaudulent iDrect rFom oHllywood vOerture
zemi craudulent xirect crom jollywood kverture zSemi cFraudulent xDirect cFrom jHollywood kOverture Szemi Fcraudulent Dxirect Fcrom Hjollywood Okverture
wemi rraudulent eirect rrom uollywood 9verture wSemi rFraudulent eDirect rFrom uHollywood 9Overture Swemi Frraudulent Deirect Frrom Huollywood O9verture
demi graudulent firect grom nollywood 0verture dSemi gFraudulent fDirect gFrom nHollywood 0Overture Sdemi Fgraudulent Dfirect Fgrom Hnollywood O0verture
eemi traudulent rirect trom bollywood lverture eSemi tFraudulent rDirect tFrom bHollywood lOverture Seemi Ftraudulent Drirect Ftrom Hbollywood Olverture
xemi vraudulent cirect vrom gollywood iverture xSemi vFraudulent cDirect vFrom gHollywood iOverture Sxemi Fvraudulent Dcirect Fvrom Hgollywood Oiverture
aemi draudulent sirect drom yollywood Ovverture aSemi dFraudulent sDirect dFrom yHollywood Oerture Saemi Fdraudulent Dsirect Fdrom Hyollywood Oevrture
Diirect Hoollywood Oberture Smi Faudulent Drect Fom Hllywood Obverture Smei Farudulent Driect Form Hlolywood Ovberture
Ssmi Fdaudulent Djrect Fdom Hkllywood Ocerture Ssemi Djirect Hkollywood Ocverture Sesmi Frdaudulent Dijrect Frdom Hokllywood Ovcerture
S3mi F4audulent D9rect F4om H9llywood Ogerture S3emi F4raudulent D9irect F4rom H9ollywood Ogverture Se3mi Fr4audulent Di9rect Fr4om Ho9llywood Ovgerture
Sfmi Fgaudulent Dlrect Fgom H0llywood Oferture Sfemi Dlirect H0ollywood Ofverture Sefmi Frgaudulent Dilrect Frgom Ho0llywood Ovferture
Srmi Ftaudulent Dorect Ftom Hlllywood Oveerture Sremi Doirect Hlollywood Ovrture Sermi Frtaudulent Diorect Frtom Holllywood Ovreture
S4mi F5audulent Dkrect F5om Hillywood Ovsrture S4emi F5raudulent Dkirect F5rom Hiollywood Ovserture Se4mi Fr5audulent Dikrect Fr5om Hoillywood Ovesrture
Sdmi Ffaudulent D8rect Ffom Ov3rture Ffraudulent D8irect Ffrom Holywood Ov3erture Sedmi Frfaudulent Di8rect Frfom Hollywood Ove3rture
Swmi Feaudulent Durect Feom Hoklywood Ovfrture Feraudulent Duirect Ferom Sewmi Freaudulent Diurect Freom Holklywood Ovefrture
Semmi Fraaudulent Dirrect Froom Hoolywood Ovrrture Sei Frudulent Diect Frm Ovrerture Seim Fruadulent Dierct Frmo Hololywood Overrture
Seji Frzudulent Didect Frkm Hoplywood Ov4rture Sejmi Frzaudulent Didrect Frkom Hopllywood Ov4erture Semji Frazudulent Dirdect Frokm Holplywood Ove4rture
Seki Frqudulent Di4ect Fr9m Ovdrture Sekmi Frqaudulent Di4rect Fr9om Ovderture Semki Fraqudulent Dir4ect Fro9m Holylwood Ovedrture
Seni Frsudulent Digect Fr0m Holkywood Ovwrture Senmi Frsaudulent Digrect Fr0om Ovwerture Semni Frasudulent Dirgect Fro0m Hollkywood Ovewrture
Semii Frwudulent Ditect Frlm Holoywood Sem Frwaudulent Ditrect Frlom Oveture Semi Frawudulent Dirtect Frolm Holloywood Ovetrure
Semj Frxudulent Di5ect Frim Holpywood Ovedture Frxaudulent Di5rect Friom Semij Fraxudulent Dir5ect Froim Hollpywood Overdture
Sem9 Frauudulent Difect Fromm Hollyywood Ove4ture Sem9i Fradulent Difrect Fro Hollwood Semi9 Fraduulent Dirfect From Hollwyood Over4ture
Seml Frahdulent Dieect Froj Hollgwood Ovegture Semli Frahudulent Dierect Frojm Hollgywood Ovegrture Semil Frauhdulent Direect Fromj Hollygwood Overgture
Semo Fra7dulent Frok Hollhwood Ovetture Semoi Fra7udulent Dirct Hollhywood Ovetrture Semio Frau7dulent Dircet Fromk Hollyhwood Overtture
Semk Frakdulent Dirsct Fron Holl6wood Ove5ture Frakudulent Dirsect Fronm Holl6ywood Ove5rture Semik Fraukdulent Diresct Fromn Holly6wood Over5ture
Sem8 Fraidulent Dir3ct Holluwood Ovefture Sem8i Fraiudulent Dir3ect Holluywood Semi8 Frauidulent Dire3ct Hollyuwood Overfture
Semu Fra8dulent Dirfct Holl7wood Oveeture Semui Fra8udulent Holl7ywood Semiu Frau8dulent Direfct Holly7wood Overeture
Frajdulent Dirrct Holljwood Frajudulent Holljywood Overure Fraujdulent Direrct Hollyjwood Overutre
Fraydulent Dir4ct Holltwood Overfure Frayudulent Holltywood Frauydulent Dire4ct Hollytwood Overtfure
Frauddulent Dirdct Hollywwood Over5ure Frauulent Hollyood Frauudlent Diredct Hollyowod Overt5ure

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zonder jou

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my beuty

i don't believe i'll fall in love today

kuka teki minusta tã¤n naisen

du kan gã¸re hvad du vil

morning light

suddenly my thoughts are all of


then you can let me go (out of your mind)

gãƒâ¶zlerine gãƒâ¶z deã„å¸miã…å¸

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