Frank Zappa
Any Way The Wind Blows (in Album Cruising With Rub

Artist: Frank Zappa
Title: Any Way The Wind Blows (in album Cruising With Ruben & The Jets)

Anyway the wind blows is fine with me
Anyway the wind blows, it don't matter to me
'Cause I'm thru with the fussin' and fightin' with you
I went out and found a woman who is gonna be true
She makes me oh so happy now, I'm never ever blue
Anyway the wind blows is fine with me
Anyway the wind blows it don't matter to me
'Cause she treats me like she loves me
And she never makes me cry
I'm gonna stick with her till the day I die
She's not like your baby, she would never ever lie
Anyway the wind blows, is fine with me
Anyway the wind blows, it don't matter to me
Now I'm going to go away and leave you standin' at the door
I'll tell you this baby, I won't be back any more
'Cause you don't even know what love is for
Anyway the wind blows, anyway the wind blows
Anyway the wind blows, anyway the wind blows


Mirror lyrics:


Anyway the wind blows, anyway the wind blows
Anyway the wind blows, anyway the wind blows
'Cause you don't even know what love is for
I'll tell you this baby, I won't be back any more
Now I'm going to go away and leave you standin' at the door
Anyway the wind blows, it don't matter to me
Anyway the wind blows, is fine with me
She's not like your baby, she would never ever lie
I'm gonna stick with her till the day I die
And she never makes me cry
'Cause she treats me like she loves me
Anyway the wind blows it don't matter to me
Anyway the wind blows is fine with me
She makes me oh so happy now, I'm never ever blue
I went out and found a woman who is gonna be true
'Cause I'm thru with the fussin' and fightin' with you
Anyway the wind blows, it don't matter to me
Anyway the wind blows is fine with me

Title: Any Way The Wind Blows (in album Cruising With Ruben & The Jets)
Artist: Frank Zappa

Relevant Tags:
AAny WWay TThe WWind BBlows ((in AAlbum CCruising WWith RRub ny ay he ind lows in lbum ruising ith ub
nAy aWy hTe iWnd lBows i(n lAbum rCuising iWth uRb zny aay fhe aind vlows (iin zlbum fruising aith dub
zAny aWay fThe aWind vBlows (n zAlbum fCruising aWith dRub Azny Waay Tfhe Waind Bvlows (ni Azlbum Cfruising Waith Rdub
qny 3ay 5he 3ind glows (jn qlbum xruising 3ith 4ub qAny 3Way 5The 3Wind gBlows (jin qAlbum xCruising 3With 4Rub
Aqny W3ay T5he W3ind Bglows (ijn Aqlbum Cxruising W3ith R4ub sny day hhe dind nlows (9n slbum vruising dith gub
sAny dWay hThe dWind nBlows (9in sAlbum vCruising dWith gRub Asny Wday Thhe Wdind Bnlows (i9n Aslbum Cvruising Wdith Rgub
wny eay yhe eind hlows (ln wlbum druising eith tub wAny eWay yThe eWind hBlows (lin wAlbum dCruising eWith tRub
Awny Weay Tyhe Weind Bhlows (iln Awlbum Cdruising Weith Rtub xny say 6he sind Bllows (on xlbum Crruising sith 5ub
xAny sWay 6The sWind Bows (oin xAlbum Cuising sWith 5Rub Axny Wsay T6he Wsind Bolws (ion Axlbum Curising Wsith R5ub
Anny 2ay ghe 2ind Bkows (kn Allbum Cduising 2ith fub Ay 2Way gThe 2Wind Bklows (kin Abum 2With fRub
Ayn W2ay Tghe W2ind Blkows (ikn Ablum Crduising W2ith Rfub Amy qay rhe qind Boows (8n Akbum C4uising qith eub
Amny qWay rThe qWind Bolows (8in Aklbum C4ruising qWith eRub Anmy Wqay Trhe Wqind Bloows (i8n Alkbum Cr4uising Wqith Reub
Ahy Wiind Bpows (un Aobum Cguising Wiith Ruub Ahny Wy Te Wnd Bplows (uin Aolbum Cgruising Wth Rb
Anhy Wya Teh Wnid Blpows (iun Alobum Crguising Wtih Rbu Ajy Wzy Tje Wjnd (inn Apbum Ctuising Wjth Rhb
Ajny Wzay Tjhe Wjind Blws (i Aplbum Ctruising Wjith Rhub Anjy Wazy Thje Wijnd Blwos (in Alpbum Crtuising Wijth Ruhb
Aby Wqy Tue W9nd Blkws (im Albbum C5uising W9th R7b Abny Tuhe W9ind (imn Alum C5ruising W9ith R7ub
Anby Waqy Thue Wi9nd Blokws (inm Alubm Cr5uising Wi9th Ru7b Anyy Wsy Tne Wlnd Bl9ws (ih Alvum Cfuising Wlth Rkb
An Tnhe Wlind Bl9ows (ihn Alvbum Wlith Rkub Any Wasy Thne Wilnd Blo9ws (inh Albvum Crfuising Wilth Rukb
Ang Wwy Tbe Wond Bl0ws (ij Algum Ceuising Woth Rib Angy Wway Tbhe Woind Bl0ows Algbum Ceruising Woith Riub
Anyg Wawy Thbe Wiond Blo0ws (inj Albgum Creuising Wioth Ruib Anh Wxy Tge Wknd Bllws (ib Alnum Cruuising Wkth R8b
Wxay Wkind (ibn Alnbum Crising Wkith R8ub Anyh Waxy Thge Wiknd Blolws (inb Albnum Criusing Wikth Ru8b
An6 Wayy Tye W8nd Bliws Alhum Crhising W8th Rjb An6y Wa W8ind Bliows Alhbum Crhuising W8ith Rjub
Any6 Way Thye Wi8nd Bloiws Albhum Cruhising Wi8th Rujb Anu Wag Thee Wund Blowws Albuum Cr7ising Wuth Ryb
Anuy Wagy Th Wuind Blos Albm Cr7uising Wuith Ryub Anyu Wayg The Wiund Blosw Albmu Cru7ising Wiuth Ruyb
An7 Wah Ths Winnd Bloas Albhm Crkising Witth Rubb An7y Wahy Thse Wid Bloaws Crkuising Wih Ru
Any7 Wayh Thes Widn Blowas Albuhm Crukising Wiht Rub Anj Wa6 Th3 Wimd Blo3s Alb7m Criising Wifh Ruv
Wa6y Th3e Wimnd Blo3ws Alb7um Criuising Wifth Ruvb Anyj Way6 The3 Winmd Blow3s Albu7m Cruiising Witfh Rubv
Ant Wau Thf Wihd Blods Albkm Cr8ising Wi5h Rug Anty Wauy Thfe Wihnd Blodws Albkum Cr8uising Wi5th Rugb
Anyt Wayu Thef Winhd Blowds Albukm Cru8ising Wit5h Rubg Wa7 Thr Wijd Bloes Albim Crjising Wihh Run
Wa7y Thre Bloews Albium Crjuising Wihth Runb Way7 Ther Winjd Blowes Albuim Crujising Withh Rubn

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