Frank Sinatra
When You're Smiling (the Whole World Smiles With Y

When you're smiling
When you're smiling
The whole world smiles with you

When you're laughing
When you're laughing
The sun comes shining through

But when you're crying
You bring on the rain
So stop your sighing
Be happy again

Keep on smiling
Cause when you're smiling
The whole world smiles with you

When you're smiling
When you're smiling
The whole world smiles with you

When you're laughing
When you're laughing
That sun comes shining through

But when you're crying
You bring on the rain
So stop your sighing
Be happy again

Keep on smiling
Cause when you're smiling
The whole world smiles with you

Mirror lyrics:

The whole world smiles with you
Cause when you're smiling
Keep on smiling

Be happy again
So stop your sighing
You bring on the rain
But when you're crying

That sun comes shining through
When you're laughing
When you're laughing

The whole world smiles with you
When you're smiling
When you're smiling

The whole world smiles with you
Cause when you're smiling
Keep on smiling

Be happy again
So stop your sighing
You bring on the rain
But when you're crying

The sun comes shining through
When you're laughing
When you're laughing

The whole world smiles with you
When you're smiling
When you're smiling

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou're SSmiling ((the WWhole WWorld SSmiles WWith YY hen ou're miling the hole orld miles ith
hWen oYu're mSiling t(he hWole oWrld mSiles iWth Y ahen gou're zmiling (tthe ahole aorld zmiles aith g
aWhen gYou're zSmiling (he aWhole aWorld zSmiles aWith gY Wahen Ygou're Szmiling (hte Wahole Waorld Szmiles Waith Yg
3hen hou're wmiling (fhe 3hole 3orld wmiles 3ith h 3When hYou're wSmiling (fthe 3Whole 3World wSmiles 3With hY
W3hen Yhou're Swmiling (tfhe W3hole W3orld Swmiles W3ith Yh dhen 6ou're dmiling (5he dhole dorld dmiles dith 6
dWhen 6You're dSmiling (5the dWhole dWorld dSmiles dWith 6Y Wdhen Y6ou're Sdmiling (t5he Wdhole Wdorld Sdmiles Wdith Y6
ehen uou're emiling (hhe ehole eorld emiles eith u eWhen uYou're eSmiling (hthe eWhole eWorld eSmiles eWith uY
Wehen Yuou're Semiling (thhe Wehole Weorld Semiles Weith Yu shen 7ou're xmiling (yhe shole sorld xmiles sith 7
sWhen 7You're xSmiling (ythe sWhole sWorld xSmiles sWith 7Y Wshen Y7ou're Sxmiling (tyhe Wshole Wsorld Sxmiles Wsith Y7
2hen jou're amiling (6he 2hole 2orld amiles 2ith j 2When jYou're aSmiling (6the 2Whole 2World aSmiles 2With jY
W2hen Yjou're Samiling (t6he W2hole W2orld Samiles W2ith Yj qhen tou're Smmiling (ghe qhole qorld Smmiles qith t
qWhen tYou're Siling (gthe qWhole qWorld Siles qWith tY Wqhen Ytou're Simling (tghe Wqhole Wqorld Simles Wqith Yt
Whhen Yoou're Sjiling (rhe Whhole Woorld Sjiles Wiith Wen Yu're Sjmiling (rthe Wole Wrld Sjmiles Wth
Wehn Yuo're Smjiling (trhe Wohle Wrold Smjiles Wtih Wjen Yku're Skiling Wjole Wkrld Skiles Wjth
Wjhen Ykou're Skmiling (te Wjhole Wkorld Skmiles Wjith Whjen Yoku're Smkiling (teh Whjole Wokrld Smkiles Wijth
Wuen Y9u're Sniling (tje Wuole W9rld Sniles W9th Wuhen Y9ou're Snmiling (tjhe Wuhole W9orld Snmiles W9ith
Whuen Yo9u're Smniling (thje Whuole Wo9rld Smniles Wi9th Wnen Y0u're Smiiling (tue Wnole W0rld Smiiles Wlth
Wnhen Y0ou're Smling (tuhe Wnhole W0orld Smles Wlith Whnen Yo0u're Smliing (thue Whnole Wo0rld Smlies Wilth
Wben Ylu're Smjling (tne Wbole Wlrld Smjles Woth Wbhen Ylou're (tnhe Wbhole Wlorld Woith
Whben Yolu're Smijling (thne Whbole Wolrld Smijles Wioth Wgen Yiu're Sm9ling (tbe Wgole Wirld Sm9les Wkth
Wghen Yiou're Sm9iling (tbhe Wghole Wiorld Sm9iles Wkith Whgen Yoiu're Smi9ling (thbe Whgole Woirld Smi9les Wikth
Wyen Youu're Smlling (tge Wyole Worrld Smlles W8th Wyhen Yo're Smliling Wyhole Wold Smliles W8ith
Whyen Yo'ure Smilling (thge Whyole Wolrd Smilles Wi8th Wheen Yoh're Smoling (tye Whoole Wodld Smoles Wuth
Whn Yohu're Smoiling Whle Wodrld Smoiles Wuith Whne Youh're Smioling (thye Whloe Wordld Smioles Wiuth
Whsn Yo7're Smkling (thee Whkle Wo4ld Smkles Witth Whsen Yo7u're (th Whkole Wo4rld Wih
Whesn You7're Smikling (the Whokle Wor4ld Smikles Wiht Wh3n Yok're Sm8ling (ths Wh9le Wogld Sm8les Wifh
Wh3en Sm8iling (thse Wh9ole Wogrld Sm8iles Wifth Whe3n Youk're Smi8ling (thes Who9le Worgld Smi8les Witfh
Whfn Yoi're Smuling (th3 Wh0le Wotld Smules Wi5h Whfen Smuiling (th3e Wh0ole Wotrld Smuiles Wi5th
Whefn Youi're Smiuling (the3 Who0le Wortld Smiules Wit5h Whrn Yo8're (thf Whlle Wo5ld Wihh
Whren Yo8u're Smiing (thfe Whlole Wo5rld Smies Wihth

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