Frank Sinatra
Stars Fell On Alabama

We lived our little drama
We kissed in a field of white
And stars fell on Alabama
Last night

I can't forget the glamour
Your eyes held a tender light
While (And) stars fell on Alabama (fractured 'Bama)
Last night

I never planned in my imagination
A situation - so heavenly
A fairy land where no one else could enter
And in the center - just you and me

My heart beat (just) like a hammer
(My) Arms wound around you tight
And (While) stars fell on Alabama
Last night

Mirror lyrics:

Last night
And (While) stars fell on Alabama
(My) Arms wound around you tight
My heart beat (just) like a hammer

And in the center - just you and me
A fairy land where no one else could enter
A situation - so heavenly
I never planned in my imagination

Last night
While (And) stars fell on Alabama (fractured 'Bama)
Your eyes held a tender light
I can't forget the glamour

Last night
And stars fell on Alabama
We kissed in a field of white
We lived our little drama

Relevant Tags:
SStars FFell OOn AAlabama tars ell n labama tSars eFll nO lAabama ztars cell kn zlabama zStars cFell kOn zAlabama Sztars Fcell Okn Azlabama
wtars rell 9n qlabama wStars rFell 9On qAlabama Swtars Frell O9n Aqlabama dtars gell 0n slabama dStars gFell 0On sAlabama Sdtars Fgell O0n Aslabama
etars tell ln wlabama eStars tFell lOn wAlabama Setars Ftell Oln Awlabama xtars vell in xlabama xStars vFell iOn xAlabama Sxtars Fvell Oin Axlabama
atars dell Onn Allabama aStars dFell O Aabama Satars Fdell On Aalbama Sttars Feell Om Akabama Sars Fll Omn Aklabama Satrs Flel Onm Alkabama
Sfars Fsll Oh Aoabama Sftars Fsell Ohn Aolabama Stfars Fesll Onh Aloabama S5ars F3ll Oj Apabama S5tars F3ell Ojn Aplabama St5ars Fe3ll Onj Alpabama
Shars Ffll Ob Alaabama Shtars Ffell Obn Albama Sthars Fefll Onb Albaama Syars Frll Alzbama Sytars Alzabama Styars Ferll Alazbama
S6ars F4ll Alqbama S6tars F4ell Alqabama St6ars Fe4ll Alaqbama Sgars Fdll Alsbama Sgtars Alsabama Stgars Fedll Alasbama
Srars Fwll Alwbama Srtars Fwell Alwabama Strars Fewll Alawbama Staars Felll Alxbama Strs Fel Alxabama Stras Fell Alaxbama
Stzrs Fekl Alabbama Stzars Fekll Alaama Stazrs Felkl Alaabma Stqrs Feol Alavama Stqars Feoll Alavbama Staqrs Felol Alabvama
Stsrs Fepl Alagama Stsars Fepll Alagbama

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