Frank Sinatra
Put Your Dreams Away (for Another Day)

Put your dreams away for another day
And I will take their place in your heart
Wishing on a star never got you far
And so it's time to make a new start

When your dreams at night
Fade before you
Then I'll have the right
To adore you

Let your kiss confess this is happiness, darling
And put all your dreams away

When your dreams at night
Fade before you
Then I'll have the right
To adore you

Let your kiss confess this is happiness, darling
And put all your dreams away

Mirror lyrics:

And put all your dreams away
Let your kiss confess this is happiness, darling

To adore you
Then I'll have the right
Fade before you
When your dreams at night

And put all your dreams away
Let your kiss confess this is happiness, darling

To adore you
Then I'll have the right
Fade before you
When your dreams at night

And so it's time to make a new start
Wishing on a star never got you far
And I will take their place in your heart
Put your dreams away for another day

Relevant Tags:
PPut YYour DDreams AAway ((for AAnother DDay) ut our reams way for nother ay) uPt oYur rDeams wAay f(or nAother aDy)
0ut gour xreams zway (ffor znother xay) 0Put gYour xDreams zAway (or zAnother xDay) P0ut Ygour Dxreams Azway (ofr Aznother Dxay)
lut hour ereams qway (cor qnother eay) lPut hYour eDreams qAway (cfor qAnother eDay) Plut Yhour Dereams Aqway (fcor Aqnother Deay)
out 6our freams sway (ror snother fay) oPut 6Your fDreams sAway (rfor sAnother fDay) Pout Y6our Dfreams Asway (fror Asnother Dfay)
Puut uour rreams wway (gor wnother ray) Pt uYour rDreams wAway (gfor wAnother rDay) Ptu Yuour Drreams Awway (fgor Awnother Dray)
Pht 7our creams xway (tor xnother cay) Phut 7Your cDreams xAway (tfor xAnother cDay) Puht Y7our Dcreams Axway (ftor Axnother Dcay)
P7t jour sreams (vor Annother say) P7ut jYour sDreams Aay (vfor Aother sDay) Pu7t Yjour Dsreams Aawy (fvor Aonther Dsay)
Pkt tour Aaay (dor Amother Daay) Pkut tYour Deams Aaway (dfor Amnother Dy) Pukt Ytour Derams Awaay (fdor Anmother Dya)
Pit Yoour Ddeams A3ay (foor Ahother Dzy) Piut Yur Ddreams A3way (fr Ahnother Dzay) Puit Yuor Drdeams Aw3ay (fro Anhother Dazy)
P8t Ykur D4eams Aday (fkr Ajother Dqy) P8ut Ykour D4reams Adway (fkor Ajnother Dqay) Pu8t Yokur Dr4eams Awday (fokr Anjother Daqy)
Pjt Y9ur Dgeams Aeay (f9r Abother Dsy) Pjut Y9our Dgreams Aeway (f9or Abnother Pujt Yo9ur Drgeams Aweay (fo9r Anbother Dasy)
Pyt Y0ur Dteams Asay (f0r Anoother Dwy) Pyut Y0our Dtreams (f0or Anther Dway) Puyt Yo0ur Drteams Awsay (fo0r Antoher Dawy)
Putt Ylur D5eams A2ay (flr Ankther Dxy) Pu Ylour D5reams A2way (flor Ankother Put Yolur Dr5eams Aw2ay (folr Anokther Daxy)
Puf Yiur Dfeams Aqay (fir An9ther Dayy) Puft Yiour (fior An9other Da) Putf Yoiur Drfeams Awqay (foir Ano9ther Da)y
Pu5 Youur Deeams (forr An0ther Dag) Pu5t Yor Awy (fo An0other Dagy) Put5 Yoru Dreeams Awya (for Ano0ther Dayg)
Puh Yohr Awzy (fod Anlther Dah) Yohur Drams Awzay (fodr Anlother Dahy) Puth Youhr Draems Awazy (ford Anolther Dayh)
Puy Yo7r Drsams Awqy (fo4 Anither Da6) Yo7ur Drseams (fo4r Aniother Da6y) Puty You7r Dresams Awaqy (for4 Anoither Day6)
Pu6 Yokr Dr3ams Awsy (fog Anotther Dau) Pu6t Dr3eams (fogr Anoher Dauy) Put6 Youkr Dre3ams Awasy (forg Anohter Dayu)
Pug Yoir Drfams Awwy (fot Anofher Da7) Pugt (fotr Anofther Da7y) Putg Youir Drefams Awawy (fort Anotfher Day7)
Pur Yo8r Drrams Awxy (fo5 Ano5her Daj) Purt Yo8ur Awxay (fo5r Ano5ther Dajy) Putr You8r Drerams Awaxy (for5 Anot5her Dayj)
Yojr Dr4ams Awayy (fof Anohher Dat) Yojur Awa (fofr Anohther Daty) Youjr Dre4ams Away (forf Anothher Dayt)
Yoyr Drdams Awag (foe Anoyher Day)) Yoyur Awagy (foer Anoyther Day Youyr Dredams Awayg (fore Anotyher Day)
Yourr Drwams Awah Ano6her You Drweams Awahy Ano6ther

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