Frank Sinatra
I'm In The Mood For Love

I'm in the mood for love simply because you're near me
Funny but when you're near me, I'm in the mood for love.
Heaven was in your eyes, bright as the stars we're under,
Or is it any wonder, I'm in the mood for love.
Why stop to think of whether this little dream might fade,
We'll put our hearts together - now we are one, I'm not afraid.
If there's a cloud above, if it should rain, we'll let it.
But for tonight forget it, I'm in the mood for love

Mirror lyrics:

But for tonight forget it, I'm in the mood for love
If there's a cloud above, if it should rain, we'll let it.
We'll put our hearts together - now we are one, I'm not afraid.
Why stop to think of whether this little dream might fade,
Or is it any wonder, I'm in the mood for love.
Heaven was in your eyes, bright as the stars we're under,
Funny but when you're near me, I'm in the mood for love.
I'm in the mood for love simply because you're near me

Relevant Tags:
II'm IIn TThe MMood FFor LLove 'm n he ood or ove 'Im nI hTe oMod oFr oLve j'm jn fhe jood cor kove jI'm jIn fThe jMood cFor kLove Ij'm Ijn Tfhe Mjood Fcor Lkove
9'm 9n 5he kood ror oove 9I'm 9In 5The kMood rFor oLove I9'm I9n T5he Mkood Fror Loove l'm ln hhe nood gor pove lI'm lIn hThe nMood gFor pLove Il'm Iln Thhe Mnood Fgor Lpove
o'm on yhe Moood tor oI'm oIn yThe Mod tFor Lve Io'm Ion Tyhe Mood Ftor Lvoe k'm kn 6he Mkod vor Lkve kI'm kIn 6The vFor Ik'm Ikn T6he Mokod Fvor Lokve
8'm 8n ghe M9od dor L9ve 8I'm 8In gThe M9ood dFor L9ove I8'm I8n Tghe Mo9od Fdor Lo9ve u'm un rhe M0od Foor L0ve uI'm uIn rThe M0ood Fr L0ove Iu'm Iun Trhe Mo0od Fro Lo0ve
I''m Inn Mlod Fkr Llve Im I Te Mlood Fkor Llove Im' In Teh Molod Fokr Lolve I'mm Im Tje Miod F9r Live I' Imn Tjhe Miood F9or Liove I'm Inm Thje Moiod Fo9r Loive
I'j Ih Tue F0r Lovve I'jm Ihn Tuhe F0or Loe I'mj Inh Thue Modo Fo0r Loev

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