Frank Sinatra
I'm Getting Sentimental Over You

Never thought I'd fall, but when I hear you call,
I'm getting sentimental over you.
Things you say and do just thrill me through and through,
I'm getting sentimental over you.
I thought I was happy I could live without love,
Now I must admit, love is all I'm thinking of.
Won't ypu please be kind, and just make up your mind
That you'll be sweet and gentle, be gentle with me
`Cause I'm getting sentimental over you.

Mirror lyrics:

`Cause I'm getting sentimental over you.
That you'll be sweet and gentle, be gentle with me
Won't ypu please be kind, and just make up your mind
Now I must admit, love is all I'm thinking of.
I thought I was happy I could live without love,
I'm getting sentimental over you.
Things you say and do just thrill me through and through,
I'm getting sentimental over you.
Never thought I'd fall, but when I hear you call,

Relevant Tags:
II'm GGetting SSentimental OOver YYou 'm etting entimental ver ou 'Im eGtting eSntimental vOer oYu j'm hetting zentimental kver gou jI'm hGetting zSentimental kOver gYou
Ij'm Ghetting Szentimental Okver Ygou 9'm yetting wentimental 9ver hou 9I'm yGetting wSentimental 9Over hYou I9'm Gyetting Swentimental O9ver Yhou l'm betting dentimental 0ver 6ou
lI'm bGetting dSentimental 0Over 6You Il'm Gbetting Sdentimental O0ver Y6ou o'm vetting eentimental lver uou oI'm vGetting eSentimental lOver uYou Io'm Gvetting Seentimental Olver Yuou
k'm fetting xentimental iver 7ou kI'm fGetting xSentimental iOver 7You Ik'm Gfetting Sxentimental Oiver Y7ou 8'm tetting aentimental Ovver jou 8I'm tGetting aSentimental Oer jYou
I8'm Gtetting Saentimental Oevr Yjou u'm Geetting Ober tou uI'm Gtting Sntimental Obver tYou Iu'm Gteting Snetimental Ovber Ytou I''m Gstting Ssntimental Ocer Yoou
Im Gsetting Ssentimental Ocver Yu Im' Gestting Sesntimental Ovcer Yuo I'mm G3tting S3ntimental Oger Yku I' G3etting S3entimental Ogver Ykou I'm Ge3tting Se3ntimental Ovger Yoku
I'j Gftting Sfntimental Ofer Y9u I'jm Sfentimental Ofver Y9ou I'mj Geftting Sefntimental Ovfer Yo9u I'k Grtting Srntimental Oveer Y0u I'km Gretting Srentimental Ovr Y0ou
I'mk Gertting Serntimental Ovre Yo0u I'n G4tting S4ntimental Ovsr Ylu I'nm G4etting S4entimental Ovser Ylou I'mn Ge4tting Se4ntimental Ovesr Yolu Gdtting Sdntimental Ov3r Yiu
Gdetting Ov3er Yiou Gedtting Sedntimental Ove3r Yoiu Gwtting Swntimental Ovfr Youu Gwetting Yo Gewtting Sewntimental Ovefr You
Gettting Senntimental Ovrr Yoh Geting Setimental Ovrer Yohu Getting Setnimental Overr Youh Gefting Semtimental Ov4r Yo7 Semntimental Ov4er Yo7u
Getfting Senmtimental Ove4r You7 Ge5ting Sehtimental Ovdr Yok Ge5tting Sehntimental Ovder Get5ting Senhtimental Ovedr Youk Gehting Sejtimental Ovwr Yoi
Gehtting Sejntimental Ovwer Gethting Senjtimental Ovewr Youi Geyting Sebtimental Yo8 Geytting Sebntimental Ove Yo8u Getyting Senbtimental Over You8
Ge6ting Senttimental Oved Yoj Ge6tting Senimental Yoju Get6ting Senitmental Overd Youj Gegting Senfimental Ove4 Yoy Gegtting Senftimental Yoyu
Getgting Sentfimental Over4 Youy Gerting Sen5imental Oveg Sen5timental Ovegr Getrting Sent5imental Overg Senhimental Ovet
Ovetr Getitng Senthimental Overt Getfing Senyimental Ove5 Senytimental Ove5r Gettfing Sentyimental Over5
Get5ing Sen6imental Ovef Sen6timental Gett5ing Sent6imental Overf Gething Sengimental Ovee Sengtimental
Getthing Sentgimental Overe Getying Senrimental Senrtimental Gettying Sentrimental Get6ing Sentiimental
Sentmental Gett6ing Sentmiental Getging Sentjmental Sentjimental Gettging Sentijmental
Getring Sent9mental Sent9imental Gettring Senti9mental Gettiing Sentlmental Gettng Sentlimental
Gettnig Sentilmental Gettjng Sentomental Gettjing Sentoimental Gettijng Sentiomental Gett9ng Sentkmental
Gett9ing Sentkimental Getti9ng Sentikmental Gettlng Sent8mental

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