Pill For The Pain

( Mark Callaghan)

A wholesome love is what she finds

Everywhere it plays on her mind

She sees it at the movies up on the screen

Doesn't understand that it's not what it seems

Vicariously living from day to day

She's in the ether and there's no escape

She goes out walking every night

Bathed in the glow of the neon lights

She knows deep down that it's not enough

But she wants what she sees all the same

Nothing she does seems to shake that mood

So she just takes a pill for the pain

She just takes a pill for the pain

A safe little fix is what she gets

Every night from her TV set

Her single bedroom

is filled with magazines

You know the kind that always

feature the queen

She knows everything about their lives

Who's doing who and who is who's wife

And one day soon

all her dreams will come true

Until then she'll just have to make do

She knows deep down that it's not enough

But she wants what she sees all the same

Nothing she does seems to shake that mood

So she just takes a pill for the pain

She just takes a pill for the pain

Just a little bald pill for the pain yeah

A little bald pill for the pain

Mirror lyrics:

A little bald pill for the pain

Just a little bald pill for the pain yeah

She just takes a pill for the pain

So she just takes a pill for the pain

Nothing she does seems to shake that mood

But she wants what she sees all the same

She knows deep down that it's not enough

Until then she'll just have to make do

all her dreams will come true

And one day soon

Who's doing who and who is who's wife

She knows everything about their lives

feature the queen

You know the kind that always

is filled with magazines

Her single bedroom

Every night from her TV set

A safe little fix is what she gets

She just takes a pill for the pain

So she just takes a pill for the pain

Nothing she does seems to shake that mood

But she wants what she sees all the same

She knows deep down that it's not enough

Bathed in the glow of the neon lights

She goes out walking every night

She's in the ether and there's no escape

Vicariously living from day to day

Doesn't understand that it's not what it seems

She sees it at the movies up on the screen

Everywhere it plays on her mind

A wholesome love is what she finds

( Mark Callaghan)

Relevant Tags:
PPill FFor TThe PPain ill or he ain iPll oFr hTe aPin 0ill cor fhe 0ain 0Pill cFor fThe 0Pain P0ill Fcor Tfhe P0ain
lill ror 5he lain lPill rFor 5The lPain Plill Fror T5he Plain oill gor hhe oain oPill gFor hThe oPain Poill Fgor Thhe Poain
Piill tor yhe Paain Pll tFor yThe Pin Plil Ftor Tyhe Pian Pjll vor 6he Pzin Pjill vFor 6The Pzain Pijll Fvor T6he Pazin
P9ll dor ghe Pqin P9ill dFor gThe Pqain Pi9ll Fdor Tghe Paqin Plll Foor rhe Psin Fr rThe Psain Pilll Fro Trhe Pasin
Poll Fkr Pwin Fkor Te Pwain Pioll Fokr Teh Pawin Pkll F9r Tje Pxin Pkill F9or Tjhe Pxain Pikll Fo9r Thje Paxin
P8ll F0r Tue Paiin P8ill F0or Tuhe Pan Pi8ll Fo0r Thue Pani Pull Flr Tne Pajn

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