Game Music
Otherworld Final Fantasy X

Go now, if you want it,
Another world awaits you.
Don't you give up on it,
You bite the hand that feeds you.

All alone, cold fields you wander,
Memories of it cloud your sight,
Fills your dreams to raise your slumber.
Lost your way, a fallen knight.

Hold now, aim is steady.
Another world awaits you.
One thousand years, you ready?
The otherworld, it takes you

Go into the sand, and the dust, and the sky.
Go now, there's no better plan, than to do or to die.
Free me, pray to the fayth in the face of the light
Feed me, fill me with sin, and get ready to fight.

Gotta Fight!

Hope dies, and you wander
The otherworld, it makes you.
Dreams, they rip asunder
The otherworld, it hates you.

Free now, ride up on it
Up to the heights, it takes you
Go now, if you want it
Another world awaits you.

Mirror lyrics:

Another world awaits you.
Go now, if you want it
Up to the heights, it takes you
Free now, ride up on it

The otherworld, it hates you.
Dreams, they rip asunder
The otherworld, it makes you.
Hope dies, and you wander

Gotta Fight!

Feed me, fill me with sin, and get ready to fight.
Free me, pray to the fayth in the face of the light
Go now, there's no better plan, than to do or to die.
Go into the sand, and the dust, and the sky.

The otherworld, it takes you
One thousand years, you ready?
Another world awaits you.
Hold now, aim is steady.

Lost your way, a fallen knight.
Fills your dreams to raise your slumber.
Memories of it cloud your sight,
All alone, cold fields you wander,

You bite the hand that feeds you.
Don't you give up on it,
Another world awaits you.
Go now, if you want it,

Relevant Tags:
OOtherworld FFinal FFantasy XX therworld inal antasy tOherworld iFnal aFntasy X ktherworld cinal cantasy d kOtherworld cFinal cFantasy dX
Oktherworld Fcinal Fcantasy Xd 9therworld rinal rantasy z 9Otherworld rFinal rFantasy zX O9therworld Frinal Frantasy Xz 0therworld ginal gantasy c
0Otherworld gFinal gFantasy cX O0therworld Fginal Fgantasy Xc ltherworld tinal tantasy s lOtherworld tFinal tFantasy sX Oltherworld Ftinal Ftantasy Xs
itherworld vinal vantasy iOtherworld vFinal vFantasy Oitherworld Fvinal Fvantasy Ottherworld dinal dantasy Oherworld dFinal dFantasy
Ohterworld Fdinal Fdantasy Ofherworld Fiinal Faantasy Oftherworld Fnal Fntasy Otfherworld Fnial Fnatasy O5herworld Fjnal Fzntasy
O5therworld Fjinal Fzantasy Ot5herworld Fijnal Fazntasy Ohherworld F9nal Fqntasy Ohtherworld F9inal Fqantasy Othherworld Fi9nal Faqntasy
Oyherworld Flnal Fsntasy Oytherworld Flinal Fsantasy Otyherworld Filnal Fasntasy O6herworld Fonal Fwntasy O6therworld Foinal Fwantasy
Ot6herworld Fional Fawntasy Ogherworld Fknal Fxntasy Ogtherworld Fkinal Fxantasy Otgherworld Fiknal Faxntasy Orherworld F8nal Fanntasy
Ortherworld F8inal Fatasy Otrherworld Fi8nal Fatnasy Funal Famtasy Oterworld Fuinal Famntasy Otehrworld Fiunal Fanmtasy
Otjerworld Finnal Fahtasy Otjherworld Fial Fahntasy Othjerworld Fianl Fanhtasy Otuerworld Fimal Fajtasy Otuherworld Fimnal Fajntasy
Othuerworld Finmal Fanjtasy Otnerworld Fihal Fabtasy Otnherworld Fihnal Fabntasy Othnerworld Finhal Fanbtasy Otberworld Fijal Fanttasy
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