Frank Sinatra
Everything Happens To Me

(Matt Dennis/Tom Adair)

(1956 Version...)

Black cats creep across my path, until I'm almost mad
I must have roused the Devil's wrath, 'cause all my luck is bad
I make a date for golf, and you can bet your life it rains
I try to give a party, but the guy upstairs complains
I guess I'll go thru life, just catchin' colds and missin' planes
Everything happens to me

I never miss a thing, I've had the measles and the mumps
And every time I play an ace, my partner always trumps
I guess I'm just a fool, who never looks before he jumps
Everything happens to me

At first my heart thought you could break this jinx for me
That love would turn the trick to end despair
But now I just can't fool this head that thinks for me
I've mortgaged all my castles in the air

I've telegraphed and phoned, sent an Air Mail Special, too
Your answer was "Goodbye", and there was even postage due
I fell in love just once and then it had to be with you
Everything happens to me
Everything happens to me

(Another Version)

I never found a rainbow, never saw a pot of gold
I lost a dice in Vegas, every single time I rolled
I've stamped my daydreams cancelled, and the winter's getting cold
Everything happens to me

I've known a lot of ladies, but there's something that I lacked
Each time that there's a breakup, I'm the one who holds the sack
And when I give my heart away, they always give it back
Everything happens to me

At first my heart thought you could break this jinx for me,
that love would turn the trick to end the despair
But now I can't just fool this head, that thinks for me
I've mortgaged all my castles, in the air

Now in the school of life, well I was lucky just to pass
So I'm chasing rainbows, with the losers of the class
But pall you can't find rainbows, in the bottom of a glass
Everything happens to me

Telegraphed and phoned,
Sent an air mail special too
Your answer was “goodbye”,
There was even postage due
I fell in love just once,
And then it had to be with you
Everything happens to me

Mirror lyrics:

Everything happens to me
And then it had to be with you
I fell in love just once,
There was even postage due
Your answer was “goodbye”,
Sent an air mail special too
Telegraphed and phoned,

Everything happens to me
But pall you can't find rainbows, in the bottom of a glass
So I'm chasing rainbows, with the losers of the class
Now in the school of life, well I was lucky just to pass

I've mortgaged all my castles, in the air
But now I can't just fool this head, that thinks for me
that love would turn the trick to end the despair
At first my heart thought you could break this jinx for me,

Everything happens to me
And when I give my heart away, they always give it back
Each time that there's a breakup, I'm the one who holds the sack
I've known a lot of ladies, but there's something that I lacked

Everything happens to me
I've stamped my daydreams cancelled, and the winter's getting cold
I lost a dice in Vegas, every single time I rolled
I never found a rainbow, never saw a pot of gold

(Another Version)

Everything happens to me
Everything happens to me
I fell in love just once and then it had to be with you
Your answer was "Goodbye", and there was even postage due
I've telegraphed and phoned, sent an Air Mail Special, too

I've mortgaged all my castles in the air
But now I just can't fool this head that thinks for me
That love would turn the trick to end despair
At first my heart thought you could break this jinx for me

Everything happens to me
I guess I'm just a fool, who never looks before he jumps
And every time I play an ace, my partner always trumps
I never miss a thing, I've had the measles and the mumps

Everything happens to me
I guess I'll go thru life, just catchin' colds and missin' planes
I try to give a party, but the guy upstairs complains
I make a date for golf, and you can bet your life it rains
I must have roused the Devil's wrath, 'cause all my luck is bad
Black cats creep across my path, until I'm almost mad

(1956 Version...)

(Matt Dennis/Tom Adair)

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