Frank Sinatra
A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening

(Jimmy McHugh/Harold Adamson)

Some like a night at the movies, some like a dance or a show
Some are content with an evening spent home by the radio
Some like to live for the moment, some like to just reminisce
But whenever I have an evening to spend. just give me one like this
This is a lovely way to spend an evening. can't think of anything I'd rather do
This is a lovely way to spend an evening, can't think of anyone as lovely as you
A casual stroll through a garden. a kiss by a lazy lagoon
Catching a breath of moonlight, humming our favorite tune
This is a lovely way to spend an evening
I want to save all my nights and spend them with you
Catching a breath of moonlight, humming our favorite tune
This is a lovely way to spend an evening
I want to save all my nights and spend them with you

Mirror lyrics:

I want to save all my nights and spend them with you
This is a lovely way to spend an evening
Catching a breath of moonlight, humming our favorite tune
I want to save all my nights and spend them with you
This is a lovely way to spend an evening
Catching a breath of moonlight, humming our favorite tune
A casual stroll through a garden. a kiss by a lazy lagoon
This is a lovely way to spend an evening, can't think of anyone as lovely as you
This is a lovely way to spend an evening. can't think of anything I'd rather do
But whenever I have an evening to spend. just give me one like this
Some like to live for the moment, some like to just reminisce
Some are content with an evening spent home by the radio
Some like a night at the movies, some like a dance or a show

(Jimmy McHugh/Harold Adamson)

Relevant Tags:
AA LLovely WWay TTo SSpend AAn EEvening ovely ay o pend n vening A oLvely aWy oT pSend nA vEening z kovely aay fo zpend zn svening zA kLovely aWay fTo zSpend zAn sEvening
Az Lkovely Waay Tfo Szpend Azn Esvening q oovely 3ay 5o wpend qn 3vening qA oLovely 3Way 5To wSpend qAn 3Evening Aq Loovely W3ay T5o Swpend Aqn E3vening s povely day ho dpend sn fvening
sA pLovely dWay hTo dSpend sAn fEvening As Lpovely Wday Tho Sdpend Asn Efvening w eay yo epend wn rvening wA Lvely eWay yTo eSpend wAn rEvening Aw Lvoely Weay Tyo Sepend Awn Ervening
x Lkvely say 6o xpend xn 4vening xA sWay 6To xSpend xAn 4Evening Ax Lokvely Wsay T6o Sxpend Axn E4vening L9vely 2ay go apend Ann dvening L9ovely 2Way gTo aSpend A dEvening
Lo9vely W2ay Tgo Sapend An Edvening L0vely qay ro Sppend Am wvening L0ovely qWay rTo Send Amn wEvening Lo0vely Wqay Tro Sepnd Anm Ewvening Llvely Too S0end Ah Evvening
Llovely Wy T S0pend Ahn Eening Lolvely Wya To Sp0end Anh Eevning Lively Wzy Tk Slend Aj Ebening Liovely Wzay Tko Slpend Ajn Ebvening Loively Wazy Tok Splend Anj Evbening
Lovvely Wqy T9 Soend Ab Ecening Loely T9o Sopend Abn Ecvening Loevly Waqy To9 Spoend Anb Evcening Lobely Wsy T0 Speend Egening Lobvely T0o Spnd Egvening
Lovbely Wasy To0 Spned Evgening Locely Wwy Tl Spsnd Efening Locvely Wway Tlo Spsend Lovcely Wawy Tol Spesnd Evfening Logely Wxy Ti Sp3nd Eveening
Logvely Wxay Tio Sp3end Evning Lovgely Waxy Toi Spe3nd Evneing Lofely Wayy Spfnd Evsning Lofvely Wa Spfend Evsening Lovfely Way Spefnd Evesning
Loveely Wag Sprnd Ev3ning Lovly Wagy Sprend Ev3ening Lovley Wayg Spernd Eve3ning Lovsly Wah Sp4nd Evfning Lovsely Wahy Sp4end
Lovesly Wayh Spe4nd Evefning Lov3ly Wa6 Spdnd Evrning Lov3ely Wa6y Spdend Evrening Love3ly Way6 Spednd Everning Lovfly Wau Spwnd Ev4ning
Wauy Spwend Ev4ening Lovefly Wayu Spewnd Eve4ning Lovrly Wa7 Spennd Evdning Lovrely Wa7y Sped Evdening Loverly Way7 Spedn Evedning
Lov4ly Waj Spemd Evwning Lov4ely Wajy Spemnd Evwening Love4ly Wayj Spenmd Evewning Lovdly Wat Spehd Evenning Lovdely Waty Spehnd Eveing
Lovedly Wayt Spenhd Eveinng

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