Gavin Degraw
Dancin' Shoes

It's so nice to see you
Can we sit and talk for a while
I have searched forever
I can't imagine anything better

Kids up on the stairway
Couples on the sidewalk squares
If I get to your heart soon
I'll call a perfect afternoon

Won't you call my number
Don't push, but don't hesitate
Wake me from this slumber
Rush me, but leave time to wait

Checkmate on my shoulder
I'm tired of this win or lose
Well I'm no knight in shining armor
But I'm no pair of dancin' shoes
I'm no pair of dancin' shoes

My patience ran away
Take me with you
You keep me holding on
Nothing's understood
You're so confusing
Tell it to me straight


Rush me, but leave time to wait.

I got nothin' left to lose
But I'm no pair of dancin' shoes (x4)

Mirror lyrics:

But I'm no pair of dancin' shoes (x4)
I got nothin' left to lose

Rush me, but leave time to wait.


Tell it to me straight
You're so confusing
Nothing's understood
You keep me holding on
Take me with you
My patience ran away

I'm no pair of dancin' shoes
But I'm no pair of dancin' shoes
Well I'm no knight in shining armor
I'm tired of this win or lose
Checkmate on my shoulder

Rush me, but leave time to wait
Wake me from this slumber
Don't push, but don't hesitate
Won't you call my number

I'll call a perfect afternoon
If I get to your heart soon
Couples on the sidewalk squares
Kids up on the stairway

I can't imagine anything better
I have searched forever
Can we sit and talk for a while
It's so nice to see you

Relevant Tags:
DDancin' SShoes ancin' hoes aDncin' hSoes xancin' zhoes xDancin' zShoes Dxancin' Szhoes eancin' whoes eDancin' wShoes Deancin' Swhoes
fancin' dhoes fDancin' dShoes Dfancin' Sdhoes rancin' ehoes rDancin' eShoes Drancin' Sehoes cancin' xhoes cDancin' xShoes Dcancin' Sxhoes
sancin' ahoes sDancin' aShoes Dsancin' Sahoes Daancin' Shhoes Dncin' Soes Dnacin' Sohes Dzncin' Sjoes Dzancin' Sjhoes Dazncin' Shjoes
Dqncin' Suoes Dqancin' Suhoes Daqncin' Shuoes Dsncin' Snoes Snhoes Dasncin' Shnoes Dwncin' Sboes Dwancin' Sbhoes Dawncin' Shboes
Dxncin' Sgoes Sghoes Daxncin' Shgoes Danncin' Syoes Dacin' Syhoes Dacnin' Shyoes Damcin' Shooes Damncin' Shes Danmcin' Sheos
Dahcin' Shkes Dahncin' Shkoes Danhcin' Shokes Dajcin' Sh9es Dajncin' Sh9oes Danjcin' Sho9es Dabcin' Sh0es Dabncin' Sh0oes Danbcin' Sho0es

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