Gatlin Brothers
All The Gold In California

All the gold in California
Is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
In somebody else's name
So if you're dreamin'
About California
It don't matter at all where you've played before
California's a brand new game

Trying to be your hero
Winding up zero
Can scar a man forever
Right down to your soul
Living on the spotlight
Can kill a man out right
Cause everything that glitters is not gold

And all the gold in California
Is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
In somebody else's name
So if you're dreamin'
About California
It don't matter at all where you've played before
California's a brand new game

All the gold in California
Is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
In somebody else's name
So if you're dreamin'
About California
It don't matter at all where you've played before
California's a brand new game

Brand a game
A Brand new game...

Mirror lyrics:

A Brand new game...
Brand a game

California's a brand new game
It don't matter at all where you've played before
About California
So if you're dreamin'
In somebody else's name
Is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
All the gold in California

California's a brand new game
It don't matter at all where you've played before
About California
So if you're dreamin'
In somebody else's name
Is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
And all the gold in California

Cause everything that glitters is not gold
Can kill a man out right
Living on the spotlight
Right down to your soul
Can scar a man forever
Winding up zero
Trying to be your hero

California's a brand new game
It don't matter at all where you've played before
About California
So if you're dreamin'
In somebody else's name
Is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills
All the gold in California

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe GGold IIn CCalifornia ll he old n alifornia lAl hTe oGld nI aClifornia zll fhe hold jn falifornia zAll fThe hGold jIn fCalifornia
Azll Tfhe Ghold Ijn Cfalifornia qll 5he yold 9n xalifornia qAll 5The yGold 9In xCalifornia Aqll T5he Gyold I9n Cxalifornia sll hhe bold ln valifornia
sAll hThe bGold lIn vCalifornia Asll Thhe Gbold Iln Cvalifornia wll yhe vold on dalifornia wAll yThe vGold oIn dCalifornia Awll Tyhe Gvold Ion Cdalifornia
xll 6he fold kn Caalifornia xAll 6The fGold kIn Clifornia Axll T6he Gfold Ikn Claifornia Alll ghe told 8n Czlifornia Al gThe tGold 8In Czalifornia
All Tghe Gtold I8n Cazlifornia Akl rhe Goold un Cqlifornia Akll rThe Gld uIn Cqalifornia Alkl Trhe Glod Iun Caqlifornia Aol Gkld Inn Cslifornia
Aoll Te Gkold I Csalifornia Alol Teh Gokld In Caslifornia Apl Tje G9ld Im Cwlifornia Apll Tjhe G9old Imn Cwalifornia Alpl Thje Go9ld Inm Cawlifornia
Tue G0ld Ih Cxlifornia Tuhe G0old Ihn Thue Go0ld Inh Caxlifornia Alk Tne Glld Ij Callifornia Tnhe Glold Caifornia
Allk Thne Golld Inj Cailfornia Alo Tbe Gild Ib Cakifornia Tbhe Giold Ibn Caklifornia Allo Thbe Goild Inb Calkifornia Alp Tge Caoifornia
God Caolifornia Allp Thge Godl Caloifornia Tye Gokd Capifornia Caplifornia Thye Golkd Calpifornia
Thee Good Caliifornia Th Calfornia The Golod Calfiornia Ths Gopd Caljfornia Thse Gopld Caljifornia
Thes Golpd Calijfornia Th3 Goldd Cal9fornia Th3e Gol Cal9ifornia The3 Gold Cali9fornia Thf Golx Callfornia
Thfe Golxd Thef Goldx Calilfornia Thr Gole Calofornia Thre Goled Ther Golde Caliofornia
Th4 Golf Calkfornia Th4e Golfd The4 Goldf Calikfornia Thd Golr Cal8fornia Thde Golrd Cal8ifornia
Thed Goldr Cali8fornia Thw Golc Calufornia Thwe Golcd Caluifornia Thew Goldc Caliufornia Gols Califfornia
Golsd Caliornia Golds Caliofrnia Calicornia Calicfornia Califcornia
Calirornia Calirfornia Califrornia Caligornia Caligfornia
Califgornia Calitornia Calitfornia Califtornia Calivornia
Calivfornia Califvornia Calidornia Calidfornia Califdornia
Califoornia Califrnia

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