Nighttime Birds

Their ways are open
they spread as their wings
they want to be certain
of a warm surrounding

When they fly
through the night as beautiful
nighttime birds

The warm wind picks them up

When they fly
through the night as beautiful
nighttime birds

Mirror lyrics:

nighttime birds
through the night as beautiful
When they fly

The warm wind picks them up

nighttime birds
through the night as beautiful
When they fly

of a warm surrounding
they want to be certain
they spread as their wings
Their ways are open

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NNighttime BBirds ighttime irds iNghttime iBrds mighttime virds mNighttime vBirds Nmighttime Bvirds highttime girds
hNighttime gBirds Nhighttime Bgirds jighttime nirds jNighttime nBirds Njighttime Bnirds bighttime hirds bNighttime hBirds
Nbighttime Bhirds Niighttime Biirds Nghttime Brds Ngihttime Brids Njghttime Bjrds Bjirds Nijghttime Bijrds
N9ghttime B9rds N9ighttime B9irds Ni9ghttime Bi9rds Nlghttime Blrds Nlighttime Blirds Nilghttime Bilrds Noghttime Bords
Noighttime Boirds Nioghttime Biords Nkghttime Bkrds Nkighttime Bkirds Nikghttime Bikrds N8ghttime B8rds N8ighttime B8irds
Ni8ghttime Bi8rds Nughttime Burds Nuighttime Buirds Niughttime Biurds Nigghttime Birrds Nihttime Bids Nihgttime Bidrs
Nihhttime Bidds Nihghttime Bidrds Nighhttime Birdds Niyhttime Bi4ds Niyghttime Bi4rds Nigyhttime Bir4ds Nibhttime Bigds
Nibghttime Bigrds Nigbhttime Birgds Nivhttime Bitds Nivghttime Bitrds Nigvhttime Birtds Nifhttime Bi5ds Nifghttime Bi5rds
Nigfhttime Bir5ds Nithttime Bifds Nitghttime Bifrds Nigthttime Birfds Bieds Nigttime Bierds Nigthtime Bireds
Nigjttime Nigjhttime Birs Nighjttime Birsd Niguttime Birxs Niguhttime Birxds Nighuttime Birdxs Nignttime Bires
Nignhttime Nighnttime Birdes Nigbttime Birfs Nighbttime Birdfs Niggttime Birrs Nighgttime Birdrs Nigyttime Bircs
Bircds Nighyttime Birdcs Nightttime Birss Nightime Birsds Nighttime Birdss Nighftime

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