On Most Surfaces (inuit)

The frost hits me in the eye
and wakes me
These are blury winters
and I cannot see

I walk into the white light of the snow
when the sun comes
I break it with my shadow
which tales me where I go

The frost hits me in the eye
and wakes me

I am the snow falling down on you
I tear up your face with my frost
And make you run to somewhere warm
When I come I see you get away
I burst out about your emptyness

The frost hits me in the eye
and wakes me
These are blury winters
and I cannot see

Mirror lyrics:

and I cannot see
These are blury winters
and wakes me
The frost hits me in the eye

I burst out about your emptyness
When I come I see you get away
And make you run to somewhere warm
I tear up your face with my frost
I am the snow falling down on you

and wakes me
The frost hits me in the eye

which tales me where I go
I break it with my shadow
when the sun comes
I walk into the white light of the snow

and I cannot see
These are blury winters
and wakes me
The frost hits me in the eye

Relevant Tags:
OOn MMost SSurfaces ((inuit) n ost urfaces inuit) nO oMst uSrfaces i(nuit) kn jost zurfaces (iinuit) kOn jMost zSurfaces (nuit) Okn Mjost Szurfaces (niuit)
9n kost wurfaces (jnuit) 9On kMost wSurfaces (jinuit) O9n Mkost Swurfaces (ijnuit) 0n nost durfaces (9nuit) 0On nMost dSurfaces (9inuit) O0n Mnost Sdurfaces (i9nuit)
ln Moost eurfaces (lnuit) lOn Mst eSurfaces (linuit) Oln Msot Seurfaces (ilnuit) in Mkst xurfaces (onuit) iOn xSurfaces (oinuit) Oin Mokst Sxurfaces (ionuit)
Onn M9st aurfaces (knuit) O M9ost aSurfaces (kinuit) On Mo9st Saurfaces (iknuit) Om M0st Suurfaces (8nuit) Omn M0ost Srfaces (8inuit) Onm Mo0st Srufaces (i8nuit)
Oh Mlst Shrfaces (unuit) Ohn Mlost Shurfaces (uinuit) Onh Molst Suhrfaces (iunuit) Oj Mist S7rfaces (innuit) Ojn Miost S7urfaces (iuit) Onj Moist Su7rfaces (iunit)
Ob Mosst Skrfaces (imuit) Obn Mot Skurfaces (imnuit) Onb Mots Sukrfaces (inmuit) Mozt Sirfaces (ihuit) Mozst Siurfaces (ihnuit) Moszt Suirfaces (inhuit)
Mowt S8rfaces (ijuit) Mowst S8urfaces Moswt Su8rfaces (injuit) Modt Sjrfaces (ibuit) Modst Sjurfaces (ibnuit) Mosdt Sujrfaces (inbuit)
Moet Syrfaces (inuuit) Moest Syurfaces (init) Moset Suyrfaces (iniut) Moxt Surrfaces (inhit) Moxst Sufaces Mosxt Sufraces (inuhit)
Moat Sudfaces (in7it) Moast Sudrfaces (in7uit) Mosat Surdfaces (inu7it) Mostt Su4faces (inkit) Mos Su4rfaces (inkuit) Most Sur4faces (inukit)
Mosf Sugfaces (iniit) Mosft Sugrfaces (iniuit) Mostf Surgfaces (inuiit) Mos5 Sutfaces (in8it) Mos5t Sutrfaces (in8uit) Most5 Surtfaces (inu8it)
Mosh Su5faces (injit) Mosht Su5rfaces Mosth Sur5faces (inujit) Mosy Suffaces (inyit) Mosyt Sufrfaces (inyuit) Mosty Surffaces (inuyit)
Mos6 Suefaces Mos6t Suerfaces (inut) Most6 Surefaces (inuti) Mosg (inujt) Mosgt Suraces Mostg Surafces (inuijt)
Mosr Surcaces (inu9t) Mosrt Surcfaces (inu9it) Mostr Surfcaces (inui9t) Surraces (inult) (inulit) Surfraces (inuilt)

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