Gene Watson
Sometimes I Get Lucky And Forget

I stay out late most every night until closing time
Tryin' to find a way to drink your mem'ry off my mind
And even if it goes just right, I'd never make a bet
But sometimes I get lucky and forget.

Sometimes I can close my eyes and you're not waiting there
Constantly reminding me how much you used to care
And losing you is one thing I guess I'll always regret
But sometimes I get lucky and forget.

--- Instrumental ---

Sweet Rose' and burgundy just lead to scotch and rye
At times it hurts me so much I just hang my head and cry
No, it ain't been easy for me, I'm not over you yet
But sometimes I get lucky and forget.

Sometimes I can close my eyes and you're not waiting there
Constantly reminding me how much you used to care
And losing you is one thing I guess I'll always regret
But sometimes I get lucky and forget.

Sometimes I get lucky and forget...

Mirror lyrics:

Sometimes I get lucky and forget...

But sometimes I get lucky and forget.
And losing you is one thing I guess I'll always regret
Constantly reminding me how much you used to care
Sometimes I can close my eyes and you're not waiting there

But sometimes I get lucky and forget.
No, it ain't been easy for me, I'm not over you yet
At times it hurts me so much I just hang my head and cry
Sweet Rose' and burgundy just lead to scotch and rye

--- Instrumental ---

But sometimes I get lucky and forget.
And losing you is one thing I guess I'll always regret
Constantly reminding me how much you used to care
Sometimes I can close my eyes and you're not waiting there

But sometimes I get lucky and forget.
And even if it goes just right, I'd never make a bet
Tryin' to find a way to drink your mem'ry off my mind
I stay out late most every night until closing time

Relevant Tags:
SSometimes II GGet LLucky AAnd FForget ometimes et ucky nd orget oSmetimes I eGt uLcky nAd oFrget zometimes j het kucky znd corget zSometimes jI hGet kLucky zAnd cForget
Szometimes Ij Ghet Lkucky Aznd Fcorget wometimes 9 yet oucky qnd rorget wSometimes 9I yGet oLucky qAnd rForget Swometimes I9 Gyet Loucky Aqnd Frorget dometimes l bet pucky snd gorget
dSometimes lI bGet pLucky sAnd gForget Sdometimes Il Gbet Lpucky Asnd Fgorget eometimes o vet Luucky wnd torget eSometimes oI vGet Lcky wAnd tForget Seometimes Io Gvet Lcuky Awnd Ftorget
xometimes k fet Lhcky xnd vorget xSometimes kI fGet Lhucky xAnd vForget Sxometimes Ik Gfet Luhcky Axnd Fvorget aometimes 8 tet L7cky Annd dorget aSometimes 8I tGet L7ucky Ad dForget
Saometimes I8 Gtet Lu7cky Adn Fdorget Soometimes u Geet Lkcky Amd Foorget Smetimes uI Gt Amnd Frget Smoetimes Iu Gte Lukcky Anmd Froget Skmetimes Gst Licky Ahd Fkrget
Skometimes Gset Liucky Ahnd Fkorget Sokmetimes Gest Luicky Anhd Fokrget S9metimes G3t L8cky Ajd F9rget S9ometimes G3et L8ucky Ajnd F9orget So9metimes Ge3t Lu8cky Anjd Fo9rget
S0metimes Gft Ljcky Abd F0rget S0ometimes Ljucky Abnd F0orget So0metimes Geft Lujcky Anbd Fo0rget Slmetimes Grt Lycky Andd Flrget Slometimes Gret Lyucky An Florget
Solmetimes Gert Luycky And Folrget Simetimes G4t Luccky Anx Firget Siometimes G4et Luky Anxd Fiorget Soimetimes Ge4t Lukcy Andx Foirget Sommetimes Gdt Lufky Ane Forrget
Soetimes Gdet Lufcky Aned Foget Soemtimes Gedt Lucfky Ande Fogret Sojetimes Gwt Luxky Anf Fodget Sojmetimes Gwet Luxcky Anfd Fodrget Somjetimes Gewt Lucxky Andf Fordget
Soketimes Gett Luvky Anr Fo4get Ge Luvcky Anrd Fo4rget Somketimes Get Lucvky Andr For4get Sonetimes Gef Ludky Anc Fogget Sonmetimes Ludcky Ancd Fogrget
Somnetimes Getf Lucdky Andc Forgget Someetimes Ge5 Luckky Ans Fotget Somtimes Ge5t Lucy Ansd Fotrget Somteimes Get5 Lucyk Ands Fortget Somstimes Geh Lucly Fo5get
Somsetimes Geht Luclky Fo5rget Somestimes Geth Luckly For5get Som3times Gey Lucoy Fofget Som3etimes Geyt Lucoky Fofrget Some3times Gety Luckoy Forfget
Somftimes Ge6 Lucmy Foeget Somfetimes Ge6t Lucmky Foerget Someftimes Get6 Luckmy Foreget Somrtimes Geg Lucjy Somretimes Gegt Lucjky Foret
Somertimes Getg Luckjy Foregt Som4times Ger Luciy Forhet Som4etimes Luciky Forhget Some4times Getr Luckiy Forghet Somdtimes Luckyy Foryet
Somdetimes Luck Foryget Somedtimes Lucky Forgyet Somwtimes Luckg Forbet Somwetimes Luckgy Forbget Somewtimes Luckyg Forgbet
Somettimes Luckh Forvet Someimes Luckhy Forvget Someitmes Luckyh Forgvet Somefimes Luck6 Forfet Luck6y
Sometfimes Lucky6 Forgfet Some5imes Lucku Fortet Some5times Luckuy Somet5imes Luckyu Forgtet Somehimes Luck7 Forgeet
Somehtimes Luck7y Forgt

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