Gene Watson
Missing You Just Started Hitting Home

The happy hour is over and thew crowd is gone
That old jukebox is silent I'm by myself till dawn
And for the first time since you said goodbye I feel so alone
Missing you just started hittin' home

Missing you just started hittin' home
Of all the things I've ever done
Why did I have to do you wrong
And if I've got to hurt this bad
Then I don't wanna to live too long
Missing you just started hittin' home

I wonder what you're doing and how far you've gone
And I wonder how I'll ever make it here alone
'Cause I got no place to be and I'm just barely hangin' on
Missing you just started hittin' home

Missing you just started hittin' home
Of all the things I've ever done
Why did I have to do you wrong
And if I've got to hurt this bad
Then I don't wanna to live too long
Missing you just started hittin' home
Missing you just started hittin' home

Mirror lyrics:

Missing you just started hittin' home
Missing you just started hittin' home
Then I don't wanna to live too long
And if I've got to hurt this bad
Why did I have to do you wrong
Of all the things I've ever done
Missing you just started hittin' home

Missing you just started hittin' home
'Cause I got no place to be and I'm just barely hangin' on
And I wonder how I'll ever make it here alone
I wonder what you're doing and how far you've gone

Missing you just started hittin' home
Then I don't wanna to live too long
And if I've got to hurt this bad
Why did I have to do you wrong
Of all the things I've ever done
Missing you just started hittin' home

Missing you just started hittin' home
And for the first time since you said goodbye I feel so alone
That old jukebox is silent I'm by myself till dawn
The happy hour is over and thew crowd is gone

Relevant Tags:
MMissing YYou JJust SStarted HHitting HHome issing ou ust tarted itting ome iMssing oYu uJst tSarted iHtting oHme
jissing gou kust ztarted jitting jome jMissing gYou kJust zStarted jHitting jHome Mjissing Ygou Jkust Sztarted Hjitting Hjome
kissing hou iust wtarted uitting uome kMissing hYou iJust wStarted uHitting uHome Mkissing Yhou Jiust Swtarted Huitting Huome
nissing 6ou must dtarted nitting nome nMissing 6You mJust dStarted nHitting nHome Mnissing Y6ou Jmust Sdtarted Hnitting Hnome
Miissing uou nust etarted bitting bome Mssing uYou nJust eStarted bHitting bHome Msising Yuou Jnust Setarted Hbitting Hbome
Mjssing 7ou hust xtarted gitting gome 7You hJust xStarted gHitting gHome Mijssing Y7ou Jhust Sxtarted Hgitting Hgome
M9ssing jou uust atarted yitting yome M9issing jYou uJust aStarted yHitting yHome Mi9ssing Yjou Juust Satarted Hyitting Hyome
Mlssing tou Sttarted Hiitting Hoome Mlissing tYou Jst Sarted Htting Hme Milssing Ytou Jsut Satrted Htiting Hmoe
Mossing Yoou Jhst Sfarted Hjtting Hkme Moissing Yu Sftarted Hkome Miossing Yuo Juhst Stfarted Hijtting Hokme
Mkssing Yku J7st S5arted H9tting H9me Ykou J7ust S5tarted H9itting H9ome Mikssing Yoku Ju7st St5arted Hi9tting Ho9me
M8ssing Y9u Jkst Sharted Hltting H0me M8issing Y9ou Shtarted Hlitting H0ome Mi8ssing Yo9u Jukst Stharted Hiltting Ho0me
Mussing Y0u Jist Syarted Hotting Hlme Muissing Y0ou Sytarted Hoitting Hlome Miussing Yo0u Juist Styarted Hiotting Holme
Misssing Ylu J8st S6arted Hktting Hime Mising Ylou J8ust S6tarted Hkitting Hiome Missing Yolu Ju8st St6arted Hiktting Hoime
Mizsing Yiu Jjst Sgarted H8tting Homme Mizssing Yiou Jjust Sgtarted H8itting Hoe Miszsing Yoiu Jujst Stgarted Hi8tting Hoem
Miwsing Youu Jyst Srarted Hutting Hoje Miwssing Yo Jyust Srtarted Hojme Miswsing You Juyst Strarted Hiutting Homje
Midsing Yoh Jusst Staarted Hittting Hoke Midssing Yohu Jut Strted Hiting Misdsing Youh Juts Strated Hitting Homke
Miesing Yo7 Juzt Stzrted Hifting Hone Miessing Yo7u Juzst Stzarted Hiftting Honme Misesing You7 Juszt Stazrted Hitfting Homne
Mixsing Yok Juwt Stqrted Hi5ting Homee Mixssing Juwst Stqarted Hi5tting Hom Misxsing Youk Juswt Staqrted Hit5ting Home
Miasing Yoi Judt Stsrted Hihting Homs Miassing Judst Stsarted Hihtting Homse Misasing Youi Jusdt Stasrted Hithting Homes
Yo8 Juet Stwrted Hiyting Hom3 Yo8u Juest Stwarted Hiytting Hom3e Misisng You8 Juset Stawrted Hityting Home3
Miszing Yoj Juxt Stxrted Hi6ting Homf Yoju Juxst Stxarted Hi6tting Homfe Misszing Youj Jusxt Staxrted Hit6ting Homef
Miswing Yoy Juat Starrted Higting Homr Yoyu Juast Stated Higtting Homre Misswing Youy Jusat Statred Hitgting Homer
Misding Justt Stadted Hirting Hom4 Jus Stadrted Hirtting Hom4e Missding Just Stardted Hitrting Home4
Miseing Jusf Sta4ted Homd Jusft Sta4rted Homde Misseing Justf Star4ted Hititng Homed

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