Waisting Your Time

Let me drop the weight of my world on your shoulder
IÂ've come to burden you
Like they all warned ya
Some come on along
And be my crutch
Let me know down
All that you construct
I just wanna drag you down
IÂ've just got to

Since I could
I guess I should impose
IÂ'll bleed you dry
And then IÂ'm down the road
So come on ih and hop inside
What is yours becomes now mine
I just gotta drag you down
I just got to

IÂ'm not gonna do
What the others did
IÂ'm gonna take
When you want me to give
I just wanna waist your time

Since you asked me in
I guess IÂ'll stay for a while
IÂ'll wear out my welcome
With this unforgiven style
When IÂ'm done
YouÂ'll feel so burned
I just wanna drag you down
I just got to

Mirror lyrics:

I just got to
I just wanna drag you down
YouÂ'll feel so burned
When IÂ'm done
With this unforgiven style
IÂ'll wear out my welcome
I guess IÂ'll stay for a while
Since you asked me in

I just wanna waist your time
When you want me to give
IÂ'm gonna take
What the others did
IÂ'm not gonna do

I just got to
I just gotta drag you down
What is yours becomes now mine
So come on ih and hop inside
And then IÂ'm down the road
IÂ'll bleed you dry
I guess I should impose
Since I could

IÂ've just got to
I just wanna drag you down
All that you construct
Let me know down
And be my crutch
Some come on along
Like they all warned ya
IÂ've come to burden you
Let me drop the weight of my world on your shoulder

Relevant Tags:
WWaisting YYour TTime aisting our ime aWisting oYur iTme aaisting gour fime aWaisting gYour fTime Waaisting Ygour Tfime
3aisting hour 5ime 3Waisting hYour 5Time W3aisting Yhour T5ime daisting 6our hime dWaisting 6Your hTime Wdaisting Y6our Thime
eaisting uour yime eWaisting uYour yTime Weaisting Yuour Tyime saisting 7our 6ime sWaisting 7Your 6Time Wsaisting Y7our T6ime
2aisting jour gime 2Waisting jYour gTime W2aisting Yjour Tgime qaisting tour rime qWaisting tYour rTime Wqaisting Ytour Trime
Yoour Tiime Wisting Yur Tme Wiasting Yuor Tmie Wzisting Ykur Tjme Wzaisting Ykour Tjime Wazisting Yokur Tijme
Wqisting Y9ur T9me Y9our T9ime Waqisting Yo9ur Ti9me Wsisting Y0ur Tlme Y0our Tlime Wasisting Yo0ur Tilme
Wwisting Ylur Tome Wwaisting Ylour Toime Wawisting Yolur Tiome Wxisting Yiur Tkme Wxaisting Yiour Tkime Waxisting Yoiur Tikme
Waiisting Youur T8me Wasting Yor T8ime Wasiting Yoru Ti8me Wajsting Yohr Tume Wajisting Yohur Tuime Waijsting Youhr Tiume
Wa9sting Yo7r Timme Wa9isting Yo7ur Tie Wai9sting You7r Tiem Walsting Yokr Tije Walisting Wailsting Youkr Timje
Waosting Yoir Tike Waoisting Waiosting Youir Timke Waksting Yo8r Tine Wakisting Yo8ur Tinme Waiksting You8r Timne
Wa8sting Yojr Timee Wa8isting Yojur Tim Wai8sting Youjr Time Wausting Yoyr Tims Wauisting Yoyur Timse Waiusting Youyr Times
Waissting Yourr Tim3 Waiting You Tim3e Waitsing Your Time3 Waizting Youd Timf Waizsting Youdr Timfe Waiszting Yourd Timef
Waiwting You4 Timr Waiwsting You4r Timre Waiswting Your4 Timer Waidting Youg Tim4 Waidsting Yougr Tim4e Waisdting Yourg Time4
Waieting Yout Timd Waiesting Youtr Timde Waiseting Yourt Timed Waixting You5 Timw Waixsting You5r Timwe

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