General Fiasco
Ever So Shy

Let's get wasted
It's all we ever do,
We're so stupid
But that's ok the drunks are your friends
We'll just sit here
Wasting our time
Thinking out loud
There's nobody listening

Well I'm ever so cold
Is all I get told, I'm ever so cold
You're ever so shy
You keep it on side
It's more than just lies
You're ever so cool
And I'll be a fool if you let me
I'm ever so shy,
You're ever so shy,
We're ever so shy

And oh we are
Counting up the reasons to be shy, she is
Counting out the reasons to try
I know, I know we're getting there
I know we're coming now well let's pretend
Waiting around in the back bored and i think
5 minutes more of this well this is wearing thin
I know I know we're getting there
I know well come on now yeah let's pretend

Well I'm ever so cold
Is all I get told, I'm ever so cold
You're ever so shy
You keep it aside it's more than just lies
You're ever so cool
And I'll be a fool if you let me
I'm ever so shy, you're ever so shy, we're ever so shy


You must be kidding..
You must be having me on

And it's easy yeah yeah
And there's no reason to be shy
Go ahead and let her lie
I can not figure it out
I can not figure it out

Whilst you know the ones they're coming for and
Whilst you know the ones they're calling for you

Why you know the ones they're coming for and
Why you know the ones they're calling for you
They're calling for you..

Well I'm ever so cold
Is all I get told,
I'm ever so cold
You're ever so shy
You keep it on side it's more than just lies
You're ever so cool
And I'll be a fool if you let me
I'm ever so shy,
You're ever so shy,
We're ever so shy

Mirror lyrics:

We're ever so shy
You're ever so shy,
I'm ever so shy,
And I'll be a fool if you let me
You're ever so cool
You keep it on side it's more than just lies
You're ever so shy
I'm ever so cold
Is all I get told,
Well I'm ever so cold

They're calling for you..
Why you know the ones they're calling for you
Why you know the ones they're coming for and

Whilst you know the ones they're calling for you
Whilst you know the ones they're coming for and

I can not figure it out
I can not figure it out
Go ahead and let her lie
And there's no reason to be shy
And it's easy yeah yeah

You must be having me on
You must be kidding..


I'm ever so shy, you're ever so shy, we're ever so shy
And I'll be a fool if you let me
You're ever so cool
You keep it aside it's more than just lies
You're ever so shy
Is all I get told, I'm ever so cold
Well I'm ever so cold

I know well come on now yeah let's pretend
I know I know we're getting there
5 minutes more of this well this is wearing thin
Waiting around in the back bored and i think
I know we're coming now well let's pretend
I know, I know we're getting there
Counting out the reasons to try
Counting up the reasons to be shy, she is
And oh we are

We're ever so shy
You're ever so shy,
I'm ever so shy,
And I'll be a fool if you let me
You're ever so cool
It's more than just lies
You keep it on side
You're ever so shy
Is all I get told, I'm ever so cold
Well I'm ever so cold

There's nobody listening
Thinking out loud
Wasting our time
We'll just sit here
But that's ok the drunks are your friends
We're so stupid
It's all we ever do,
Let's get wasted

Relevant Tags:
EEver SSo SShy ver o hy vEer oS hSy sver zo zhy sEver zSo zShy Esver Szo Szhy 3ver wo why 3Ever wSo wShy E3ver Swo Swhy fver do dhy
fEver dSo dShy Efver Sdo Sdhy rver eo ehy rEver eSo eShy Erver Seo Sehy 4ver xo xhy 4Ever xSo xShy E4ver Sxo Sxhy dver ao ahy dEver aSo aShy
Edver Sao Sahy wver Soo Shhy wEver S Sy Ewver So Syh Evver Sk Sjy Eer Sko Sjhy Eevr Sok Shjy Eber S9 Suy Ebver S9o Suhy Evber So9 Shuy
Ecer S0 Sny Ecver S0o Snhy Evcer So0 Shny Eger Sl Sby Egver Slo Sbhy Evger Sol Shby Efer Si Sgy Sio Sghy Evfer Soi Shgy Eveer Syy

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