The British Disease

With the world on its knees
And the British diseased
I'll stumble forward
I will offer my hand
My intensions are grand
Bring your firearms on board
We will give you more

No promise broken
Will be forgotten
I guarantee

Now the cynical few
Rise above me and you
From street to seashore
Do we get what we're due
Can I take my cue
From those still adored?
We will give more

No promise broken
Will be forgotten
No blind devotion
No lies forgiven
I guarantee

Mirror lyrics:

I guarantee
No lies forgiven
No blind devotion
Will be forgotten
No promise broken

We will give more
From those still adored?
Can I take my cue
Do we get what we're due
From street to seashore
Rise above me and you
Now the cynical few

I guarantee
Will be forgotten
No promise broken

We will give you more
Bring your firearms on board
My intensions are grand
I will offer my hand
I'll stumble forward
And the British diseased
With the world on its knees

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBritish DDisease he ritish isease hTe rBitish iDsease fhe vritish xisease fThe vBritish xDisease Tfhe Bvritish Dxisease
5he gritish eisease 5The gBritish eDisease T5he Bgritish Deisease hhe nritish fisease hThe nBritish fDisease Thhe Bnritish Dfisease
yhe hritish risease yThe hBritish rDisease Tyhe Bhritish Drisease 6he Brritish cisease 6The Bitish cDisease T6he Birtish Dcisease
ghe Bditish sisease gThe Bdritish sDisease Tghe Brditish Dsisease rhe B4itish Diisease rThe B4ritish Dsease Trhe Br4itish Dsiease
Bgitish Djsease Te Djisease Teh Brgitish Dijsease Tje Btitish D9sease Tjhe Btritish D9isease Thje Brtitish Di9sease
Tue B5itish Dlsease Tuhe B5ritish Dlisease Thue Br5itish Dilsease Tne Bfitish Dosease Tnhe Bfritish Doisease Thne Brfitish Diosease
Tbe Beitish Dksease Tbhe Beritish Dkisease Thbe Breitish Diksease Tge Briitish D8sease Brtish D8isease Thge Brtiish Di8sease
Tye Brjtish Dusease Brjitish Duisease Thye Brijtish Diusease Thee Br9tish Dissease Th Br9itish Diease The Bri9tish Diesase
Ths Brltish Dizease Thse Brlitish Dizsease Thes Briltish Diszease Th3 Brotish Diwease Th3e Broitish Diwsease The3 Briotish Diswease
Thf Brktish Didease Thfe Brkitish Didsease Thef Briktish Disdease Thr Br8tish Dieease Thre Br8itish Diesease Ther Bri8tish Diseease
Th4 Brutish Dixease Th4e Bruitish Dixsease The4 Briutish Disxease Thd Brittish Diaease Thde Briish Diasease Thed Briitsh Disaease
Thw Brifish Thwe Briftish Disase Thew Britfish Disaese Bri5ish Dissase Bri5tish Brit5ish Disesase
Brihish Dis3ase Brihtish Dis3ease Brithish Dise3ase Briyish Disfase

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