Truth, Rest Your Head

I've been hazy
I've not waited for you
Nature's hasty
And Lord knows so am I

Six months inside
Wandsworth's finest landmark
My patience has died
First guilt, now hate's best son

Every M.P.
And all their strong kind words
"He can't be guilty"
But you and I both know

Truth, rest your head
There is more than a life at stake here
For me you died tonight
So don't involve me in your plans
When the chat shows beckon
For me you died tonight

Mirror lyrics:

For me you died tonight
When the chat shows beckon
So don't involve me in your plans
For me you died tonight
There is more than a life at stake here
Truth, rest your head

But you and I both know
"He can't be guilty"
And all their strong kind words
Every M.P.

First guilt, now hate's best son
My patience has died
Wandsworth's finest landmark
Six months inside

And Lord knows so am I
Nature's hasty
I've not waited for you
I've been hazy

Relevant Tags:
TTruth, RRest YYour HHead ruth, est our ead rTuth, eRst oYur eHad fruth, dest gour jead fTruth, dRest gYour jHead Tfruth, Rdest Ygour Hjead
5ruth, 4est hour uead 5Truth, 4Rest hYour uHead T5ruth, R4est Yhour Huead hruth, gest 6our nead hTruth, gRest 6Your nHead Thruth, Rgest Y6our Hnead
yruth, test uour bead yTruth, tRest uYour bHead Tyruth, Rtest Yuour Hbead 6ruth, 5est 7our gead 6Truth, 5Rest 7Your gHead T6ruth, R5est Y7our Hgead
gruth, fest jour yead gTruth, fRest jYour yHead Tgruth, Rfest Yjour Hyead rruth, eest tour Heead rTruth, eRest tYour Had Trruth, Reest Ytour Haed
Yoour Hsad Tuth, Rst Yur Hsead Turth, Rset Yuor Hesad Tduth, Rsst Ykur H3ad Tdruth, Rsest Ykour H3ead Trduth, Resst Yokur He3ad
T4uth, R3st Y9ur Hfad T4ruth, R3est Y9our Hfead Tr4uth, Re3st Yo9ur Hefad Tguth, Rfst Y0ur Hrad Y0our Hread Trguth, Refst Yo0ur Herad
Ttuth, Rrst Ylur H4ad Ttruth, Rrest Ylour H4ead Trtuth, Rerst Yolur He4ad T5uth, R4st Yiur Hdad Yiour Hdead Tr5uth, Re4st Yoiur Hedad
Tfuth, Rdst Youur Hwad Yor Hwead Trfuth, Redst Yoru Hewad Teuth, Rwst Yohr Heaad Teruth, Rwest Yohur Hed Treuth, Rewst Youhr Heda
Truuth, Yo7r Hezd Trth, Ret Yo7ur Hezad Trtuh, Rets You7r Heazd Trhth, Rezt Yokr Heqd Trhuth, Rezst Heqad Truhth, Reszt Youkr Heaqd
Tr7th, Rewt Yoir Hesd Tr7uth,

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