Gentle Giant
His Last Voyage

Rose in early morning, as the light came through,
Searching in the ocean, did what he should do,
Seeking not adventure, just a way of life,
Sky above turned grey, wind cut like a knife.

This was his last voyage, this was his last time.

Pulling up the anchor, letting go the rope,
Age rules over all things, fate rules over hope.

Then as bow was broken, water soon to rise,
For they would have nothing, Nature's trust unwise,
Through his boat and fortune, not for him that day,
If he went to God, for him they would pray,

As the tempest thundered, as the storm broke free,
Suddenly in darkness, fear there none to see,
Visions in his memory, what was meant to be,
When the storm was over, nothing could be seen,
Life and boat were taken, God knows what it means.

Rose in early morning, as the light came through,
Searching in the ocean, did what he should do,

This was his last voyage, this was his last time.

Pulling up the anchor, letting go the rope,
Age rules over all things, fate rules over hope.

Mirror lyrics:

Age rules over all things, fate rules over hope.
Pulling up the anchor, letting go the rope,

This was his last voyage, this was his last time.

Searching in the ocean, did what he should do,
Rose in early morning, as the light came through,

Life and boat were taken, God knows what it means.
When the storm was over, nothing could be seen,
Visions in his memory, what was meant to be,
Suddenly in darkness, fear there none to see,
As the tempest thundered, as the storm broke free,

If he went to God, for him they would pray,
Through his boat and fortune, not for him that day,
For they would have nothing, Nature's trust unwise,
Then as bow was broken, water soon to rise,

Age rules over all things, fate rules over hope.
Pulling up the anchor, letting go the rope,

This was his last voyage, this was his last time.

Sky above turned grey, wind cut like a knife.
Seeking not adventure, just a way of life,
Searching in the ocean, did what he should do,
Rose in early morning, as the light came through,

Relevant Tags:
HHis LLast VVoyage is ast oyage iHs aLst oVyage jis kast boyage jHis kLast bVoyage Hjis Lkast Vboyage uis oast coyage
uHis oLast cVoyage Huis Loast Vcoyage nis past goyage nHis pLast gVoyage Hnis Lpast Vgoyage bis Laast foyage bHis Lst fVoyage
Hbis Lsat Vfoyage gis Lzst Vooyage gHis Lzast Vyage Hgis Lazst Vyoage yis Lqst Vkyage yHis Lqast Vkoyage Hyis Laqst Vokyage
Hiis Lsst V9yage Hs Lsast V9oyage Hsi Lasst Vo9yage Hjs Lwst V0yage Lwast V0oyage Hijs Lawst Vo0yage H9s Lxst Vlyage
H9is Lxast Vloyage Hi9s Laxst Volyage Hls Viyage Hlis Lat Vioyage Hils Lats Voiyage Hos Lazt Voyyage Hois Voage
Hios Laszt Voayge Hks Lawt Vogage Hkis Vogyage Hiks Laswt Voygage H8s Ladt Vohage H8is Ladst Vohyage Hi8s Lasdt Voyhage
Hus Laet Vo6age Laest Vo6yage Hius Laset Voy6age Hiss Laxt Vouage Hi Vouyage His Lasxt Voyuage Hiz Laat Vo7age
Hizs Vo7yage Hisz Lasat Voy7age Hiw Lastt Vojage Hiws Las Vojyage Hisw Last Voyjage Hid Lasf Votage Hids Lasft Votyage
Hisd Lastf Voytage Hie Las5 Voyaage Hies Las5t Voyge Hise Last5 Voygae

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