Gentle Giant
For Nobody

Running away, I'll leave you my address,
don't want you to reply to anybody
Forward my mail to the next place
I'll be responsible for nobody

Given my best to the people I knew
I'll always maintain my situation
And through it all,
no one told me that I was doing it for nobody

Tried to forget everything that we did
And thinking we did it all together
How it went wrong, can't remember
It doesn't matter much for nobody

Nobody tells, everyone understands
It's anybody for nobody
Anyone for everybody
I'll be responsible for nobody

Taking my leave leaving many regrets
I'll go without meeting understanding
Maybe one day realizing
That everybody is for nobody

Mirror lyrics:

That everybody is for nobody
Maybe one day realizing
I'll go without meeting understanding
Taking my leave leaving many regrets

I'll be responsible for nobody
Anyone for everybody
It's anybody for nobody
Nobody tells, everyone understands

It doesn't matter much for nobody
How it went wrong, can't remember
And thinking we did it all together
Tried to forget everything that we did

no one told me that I was doing it for nobody
And through it all,
I'll always maintain my situation
Given my best to the people I knew

I'll be responsible for nobody
Forward my mail to the next place
don't want you to reply to anybody
Running away, I'll leave you my address,

Relevant Tags:
FFor NNobody or obody oFr oNbody cor mobody cFor mNobody Fcor Nmobody ror hobody rFor hNobody Fror Nhobody gor jobody gFor jNobody
Fgor Njobody tor bobody tFor bNobody Ftor Nbobody vor Noobody vFor Nbody Fvor Nboody dor Nkbody dFor Nkobody Fdor Nokbody Foor N9body
Fr N9obody Fro No9body Fkr N0body Fkor N0obody Fokr No0body F9r Nlbody F9or Nlobody Fo9r Nolbody F0r Nibody F0or Niobody Fo0r Noibody
Flr Nobbody Flor Noody Folr Noobdy Fir Novody Fior Novbody Foir Nobvody Forr Nogody Fo Nogbody For Nobgody Fod Nonody Fodr Nonbody
Ford Nobnody Fo4 Nohody Fo4r Nohbody For4 Nobhody Fog Noboody Fogr Nobdy Forg Nobdoy Fot Nobkdy Fotr Nobkody Fort Nobokdy Fo5 Nob9dy
Fo5r Nob9ody

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