Francis Dunnery
Crazy Little Heart Of Mine

I should've known that when I left you
That you wouldn't run right back to me
I should've changed the way I feel 'cause I know you
changed the way I
I should've opened up my eyes and let you walk right back
for free
Now I can't get you off my mind
The photograph is lost in time
It's all because of this crazy little heart of mine
This old heart of mine
If angels never made us then how come you look heavenly
And they say God is within us is that why your inside of me
I wanna hold you right beside me 'cause I don't know what
God I see
Now I can't get you off my mind
The photograph is lost in time
It's all because of this crazy little heart of mine
This old heart of mine
A crazy little heart
A crazy little heart
A crazy little heart
So I close my eyes and I go to bed
But I still have you in my head
It's all because that I didn't take the time
To get to see you shine
This crazy little heart of mine

Mirror lyrics:

This crazy little heart of mine
To get to see you shine
It's all because that I didn't take the time
But I still have you in my head
So I close my eyes and I go to bed
A crazy little heart
A crazy little heart
A crazy little heart
This old heart of mine
It's all because of this crazy little heart of mine
The photograph is lost in time
Now I can't get you off my mind
God I see
I wanna hold you right beside me 'cause I don't know what
And they say God is within us is that why your inside of me
If angels never made us then how come you look heavenly
This old heart of mine
It's all because of this crazy little heart of mine
The photograph is lost in time
Now I can't get you off my mind
for free
I should've opened up my eyes and let you walk right back
changed the way I
I should've changed the way I feel 'cause I know you
That you wouldn't run right back to me
I should've known that when I left you

Relevant Tags:
CCrazy LLittle HHeart OOf MMine razy ittle eart f ine rCazy iLttle eHart fO iMne frazy kittle jeart kf jine fCrazy kLittle jHeart kOf jMine
Cfrazy Lkittle Hjeart Okf Mjine xrazy oittle ueart 9f kine xCrazy oLittle uHeart 9Of kMine Cxrazy Loittle Hueart O9f Mkine vrazy pittle neart 0f nine
vCrazy pLittle nHeart 0Of nMine Cvrazy Lpittle Hneart O0f Mnine drazy Liittle beart lf Miine dCrazy Lttle bHeart lOf Mne Cdrazy Ltitle Hbeart Olf Mnie
Crrazy Ljttle geart if Mjne Cazy Ljittle gHeart iOf Carzy Lijttle Hgeart Oif Mijne Cdazy L9ttle yeart Off M9ne L9ittle yHeart O M9ine
Crdazy Li9ttle Hyeart Of Mi9ne C4azy Llttle Heeart Oc Mlne C4razy Llittle Hart Ocf Mline Cr4azy Lilttle Haert Ofc Milne Cgazy Lottle Hsart Or Mone
Cgrazy Hseart Orf Moine Crgazy Liottle Hesart Ofr Mione Ctazy Lkttle H3art Og Mkne Ctrazy H3eart Ogf Crtazy Likttle He3art Ofg Mikne
C5azy L8ttle Hfart Ot M8ne C5razy L8ittle Hfeart Otf M8ine Cr5azy Li8ttle Hefart Oft Mi8ne Cfazy Luttle Hrart Ov Mune Luittle Hreart Ovf Muine
Crfazy Liuttle Herart Ofv Miune Ceazy Litttle H4art Od Minne Cerazy Litle H4eart Odf Mie Creazy Little He4art Ofd Mien Craazy Liftle Hdart Mime
Crzy Lifttle Hdeart Mimne Crzay Litftle Hedart Minme Crzzy Li5tle Hwart Mihe Crzazy Li5ttle Hweart Mihne Crazzy Lit5tle Hewart Minhe
Crqzy Lihtle Heaart Mije Crqazy Lihttle Hert Craqzy Lithtle Herat Minje Crszy Liytle Hezrt Mibe Crsazy Liyttle Hezart Mibne
Craszy Litytle Heazrt Minbe Crwzy Li6tle Heqrt Minee Crwazy Li6ttle Heqart Min Crawzy Lit6tle Heaqrt Mine

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