Fame Academy
Make Me Smile (come Up And See Me)

You've done it all
You've broken every code
You brought the rebel to the floor
You've spoiled the game
No matter what you say
For only metal, what a bore!
Blue eyes, blue eyes
How come you tell so many lies?

Come up and see me
Make me smile
But do what you want
Running wild!

There's nothing left
All gone and run away
Maybe you'll tarry for a while
It's just a test
A game for us to play
Win or lose, it's hard to smile
Resist, resist
It's for yourself, you have to hide, oh


There ain't no more
You've taken everything
From my belief in the earth
Can you ignore
My faith in everything
Cuz my faith's what it's for
The way, a way
Don't say that maybe you'll try


Come up and see me
Oh, come up and see
Come up and see me
Gonna make you smile

As performed by Ainslie Henderson & Marli Buck.

Mirror lyrics:

As performed by Ainslie Henderson & Marli Buck.

Gonna make you smile
Come up and see me
Oh, come up and see
Come up and see me


Don't say that maybe you'll try
The way, a way
Cuz my faith's what it's for
My faith in everything
Can you ignore
From my belief in the earth
You've taken everything
There ain't no more


It's for yourself, you have to hide, oh
Resist, resist
Win or lose, it's hard to smile
A game for us to play
It's just a test
Maybe you'll tarry for a while
All gone and run away
There's nothing left

Running wild!
But do what you want
Make me smile
Come up and see me

How come you tell so many lies?
Blue eyes, blue eyes
For only metal, what a bore!
No matter what you say
You've spoiled the game
You brought the rebel to the floor
You've broken every code
You've done it all

Relevant Tags:
MMake MMe SSmile ((come UUp AAnd SSee MMe) ake e mile come p nd ee e) aMke eM mSile c(ome pU nAd eSe eM) jake je zmile (ccome hp znd zee je) jMake jMe zSmile (ome hUp zAnd zSee jMe)
Mjake Mje Szmile (ocme Uhp Aznd Szee Mje) kake ke wmile (fome 7p qnd wee ke) kMake kMe wSmile (fcome 7Up qAnd wSee kMe) Mkake Mke Swmile (cfome U7p Aqnd Swee Mke) nake ne dmile (xome kp snd dee ne)
nMake nMe dSmile (xcome kUp sAnd dSee nMe) Mnake Mne Sdmile (cxome Ukp Asnd Sdee Mne) Maake Mee emile (vome ip wnd eee Mee) Mke M eSmile (vcome iUp wAnd eSee M) Mkae Me Semile (cvome Uip Awnd Seee M)e
Mzke Ms xmile (dome 8p xnd xee Ms) Mzake Mse xSmile (dcome 8Up xAnd xSee Mse) Mazke Mes Sxmile (cdome U8p Axnd Sxee Mes) Mqke M3 amile (coome jp Annd aee M3) Mqake M3e aSmile (cme jUp Ad aSee M3e)
Maqke Me3 Samile (cmoe Ujp Adn Saee Me3) Mske Mf Smmile (ckme yp Amd Mf) Msake Mfe Sile (ckome yUp Amnd Se Mfe) Maske Mef Simle (cokme Uyp Anmd See Mef) Mwke Mr Sjile (c9me Upp Ahd Sse Mr)
Mwake Mre Sjmile (c9ome U Ahnd Ssee Mre) Mawke Mer Smjile (co9me Up Anhd Sese Mer) Mxke M4 Skile (c0me U0 Ajd S3e M4) Mxake M4e Skmile (c0ome U0p Ajnd S3ee M4e) Maxke Me4 Smkile (co0me Up0 Anjd Se3e Me4)
Makke Md Snile (clme Ul Abd Sfe Md) Mae Mde Snmile (clome Ulp Abnd Sfee Mde) Maek Med Smnile (colme Upl Anbd Sefe Med) Male Mw Smiile (cime Uo Andd Sre Mw) Malke Mwe Smle (ciome Uop An Sree Mwe)
Makle Mew Smlie (coime Upo And Sere Mew) Maoe Smjle (comme Anx S4e Me)) Maoke (coe Anxd S4ee Me Makoe Smijle (coem Andx Se4e Me) Mame Sm9le (coje Ane Sde
Mamke Sm9ile (cojme Aned Makme Smi9le (comje Ande Sede Maje Smlle (coke Anf Swe Majke Smlile Anfd

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